Unfortunately, Logan then died from being impaled on a tree branch by X-24. Chloe O'Brian graduated from the University of California, Davis with a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science. Children's street culture refers to the cumulative culture created by young children and is sometimes referred to as their secret world. His birth name is Kenneth Henry Miles. Instead of Israel, he said the prophecies of Daniel would be fulfilled in Waco and that the Mount Carmel Center was the Davidic kingdom.[16]. The following people are children of U.S. presidents, including stepchildren and alleged illegitimate children.All full names with married names are given. [15] Roden, claiming to have the support of the majority of the cult, forced Koresh and his group off the property at gunpoint. Brown himself, as well as some of his family, has been heavily involved in the show's production. ), Armageddon in Waco, Ellison and Bartkowski, 1995; Wright, "Construction and Escalation of a 'Cult' Threat," 1995, "12 children killed in fire Howell's, ex-member says", https://www.wacotrib.com/news/branch_davidians/district-judge-throws-out-roden-s-leadership-lawsuit/article_c3d93279-5210-5c20-899d-3840c4d40b9c.html, https://www.nytimes.com/1994/12/06/us/a-fight-in-texas-for-the-homeland-of-a-sect.html, https://es.findagrave.com/memorial/65557517/bonnie-sue-haldeman, https://wacotrib.com/news/branch_davidians/crying-in-the-wilderness-a-religious-commune-sets-up-a-dwelling-place-in-the-woods/article_43b35c71-6563-5c45-baea-cfaa2d2e5cd6.html, Legal Aspects of Domestic Employment of the Army, "Evidence of Historical Child Sexual and Physical Abuse", "Remembering Waco and the Branch Davidian Church 20 years later", "Koresh's Top Aide Killed Cult Leader, FBI Official Says - The Washington Post | HighBeam Research", "David Koresh and the Branch Davidians: 6 Things You Should Know", "Puny market for avid Koresh's pride and joy fails to excite many bidders", "How Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh changed the fringe right", "Michael Shannon & Taylor Kitsch Topline Weinstein Co. Series 'Waco', Based on 1993 Siege", "Far Cry 5 cult adviser reveals how these fanatics thrive: Follow the money", "Indelicates announce 'imminent' new album", "The Indelicates: David Koresh Superstar", Why Waco? Childhood is usually a mixture of happiness, wonder, angst and resilience. Arthur is a Canadian-American animated educational children's television program. [17] Adults saw children as separate beings, innocent and in need of protection and training by the adults around them. Koresh himself had been seriously injured by a gunshot. [61], In 2013, child marriage rates of female children under the age of 18 reached 75% in Niger, 68% in Central African Republic and Chad, 66% in Bangladesh, and 47% in India. Biologically, a child is a person between birth and puberty,[1][2] or between the developmental period of infancy and puberty. A "loss of innocence" is a common concept, and is often seen as an integral part of coming of age. Arthur Wiki is an unofficial collaborative encyclopedia about the children's series Arthur and all related media. Puritanism stressed the importance of individual salvation and concern for the spiritual welfare of children. They seek comfort from one another, and, at times, more than just friendship. Situations on Arthurdevelop in re… Mai 2007 von dem Webentwickler Matt Keezer im kanadischen Montreal gegründet. (\"Day 6: 10:00am-11:00am\")In high school, Jack rode motorcycles and often surfed for fun. Children's health includes the physical, mental and social well-being of children. [67] However, rates of PTSD for children living in chronic conflict conditions varies from 15 to 50 percent. The term child may also refer to someone below another legally defined age limit unconnected to the age of majority. [26], Finally, the FBI's justification for forcing an end to the 51-day standoff was predicated on the charge that Koresh was abusing children inside the Mount Carmel Center. Koresh was alleged to have been involved in multiple incidents of physical and sexual abuse of children. This change can be traced in paintings: In the Middle Ages, children were portrayed in art as miniature adults with no childlike characteristics. James Robert \"Jim Bob\" Duggar, born July 18, 1965 (1965-07-18) (age 54) 2. [62] According to a 2019 UNICEF report on child marriage, 37% of females were married before the age of 18 in sub-Saharan Africa, followed by South Asia at 30%. Barney & Friends is an Americanchildren's television seriesaimed at children from ages 1 to 8. Middle childhood is the time when children begin to understand responsibility and are beginning to be shaped by their peers and parents. [20] This Romantic conception of childhood, historian Margaret Reeves suggests, has a longer history than generally recognized, with its roots traceable to similarly imaginative constructions of childhood circulating, for example, in the neo-platonic poetry of seventeenth-century metaphysical poet Henry Vaughan (e.g., "The Retreate", 1650; "Childe-hood", 1655). There, Koresh became infatuated with the pastor's daughter, and while praying for guidance, he opened his eyes and allegedly found the Bible open at Isaiah 34:16, stating that "none should want for her mate"; convinced this was a sign from God, Koresh approached the pastor and told him that God wanted him to have his daughter for a wife. Recognition of childhood as a state different from adulthood began to emerge in the 16th and 17th centuries. Immediately afterward, Jack was called into a meeting at CTU, leaving Teri to try to figure out where Kim went. [18] Roden was judged insane and confined to a psychiatric hospital at Big Spring, Texas. Freudenstein, Edermünde 2005, ISBN 3-932435-17-6, 126 S. The geographies of childhood involves how (adult) society perceives the idea of childhood, the many ways adult attitudes and behaviors affect children's lives, including the environment which surrounds children and its implications. Daraufhin wurde das Pornhub Network gegründet, das unter anderen aus den Seiten Pornhub, YouPorn, RedTube, Tube8, PornMD, … Biologically, a child (plural children) is a human being between the stages of birth and puberty,[1][2] or between the developmental period of infancy and puberty. By taking the name of David Koresh, he was "professing himself to be the spiritual descendant of King David, a messianic figure carrying out a divinely commissioned errand."[22]. For other uses, see, Fertility and number of children per woman, Learn how and when to remove this template message, National Association for the Education of Young Children, United Nations Commission on Human Rights, International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Optional Protocol on the Sale of Children, Child Prostitution and Child Pornography, Council of Europe Convention on the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse, Optional Protocol on the Involvement of Children in Armed Conflict, Declaration on the Protection of Women and Children in Emergency and Armed Conflict, Children in the Israeli–Palestinian conflict, Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies, License statement/permission on Wikimedia Commons, "For example, the US Social Security department specifically defines an adult child as being over 18", "Proposal to lower the Age of Contractual Capacity from 21 years to 18 years, and the Civil Law (Amendment) Bill", "Poor Children's Rights in Early Modern England", "Poverty and Families in the Victorian Era", "Undernutrition as an underlying cause of child deaths associated with diarrhea, pneumonia, malaria, and measles", "The importance of play in promoting healthy child development and maintaining strong parent-child bonds", "Convention on the Rights of the Child. Erza's most recent appearance. [47] Research in 2007 has drawn a correlation between the declining number of National Park visits in the U.S. and increasing consumption of electronic media by children. However, adults tend to (often mistakenly) assume that virtually all children's social activities can be understood as "play" and, furthermore, that children's play activities do not involve much skill or effort. The bodies of the other five children have never been found. The fictional character Peter Pan was the embodiment of a childhood that never ends. [37] The medical examiner reported 20 people, including five children under the age of 14, had been shot, and a three-year-old had been stabbed in the chest. A six-month investigation of sexual abuse allegations by the Texas Child Protection Services in 1992 failed to turn up any evidence, possibly because the Branch Davidians concealed the spiritual marriage of Koresh to Michelle, assigning a surrogate husband (David Thibodeau) to the girl for the sake of appearances. For example, the account of former Branch Davidian Jeannine Bunds is reproduced in an ATF affidavit. The latter half of the 19th century saw the introduction of compulsory state schooling of children across Europe, which decisively removed children from the workplace into schools. He was familiar with Jessica Abrams and Tracy Zi… ↑ 24.0 24.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. Bunds also claims that Koresh would annul all marriages of couples who joined the group and had exclusive sexual access to the women and girls.[31][32]. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child defines child as "a human being below the age of 18 years unless under the law applicable to the child, majority is attained earlier". Artemis (Ancient Greek: Ἄρτεμις) was one of the most widely venerated of the Ancient Greek deities. Adults supervise and support the development process of the child, which then will lead to the child's autonomy. [30] The 1993 Justice Department report cites allegations of child sexual and physical abuse. 24 Versuche über das Natürliche. [3] Legally, the term child may refer to anyone below the age of majority or some other age limit. He was also a United States Marine Corps staff sergeant and an honorary gunnery sergeant. David Koresh (/kəˈrɛʃ/; born Vernon Wayne Howell; August 17, 1959 – April 19, 1993) was an American cult leader[2][3][4] who played a central role in the Waco siege of 1993. Thank you." The end of adolescence and the beginning of adulthood varies by country and by function, and even within a single nation-state or culture there may be different ages at which an individual is considered to be mature enough to be entrusted by society with certain tasks. The Boy Scouts was founded by Sir Robert Baden-Powell in 1908,[28] which provided young boys with outdoor activities aiming at developing character, citizenship, and personal fitness qualities.[29]. [6] This is ratified by 192 of 194 member countries. Middle childhood begins at around age 7, approximating primary school age. As of 2010 approximately 13 million children are displaced by armed conflicts and violence around the world. Trailers that tell you the TRUTH about your favorite video games: this week is Bravely Default 2! "The Kids" is a generic term applied to any group of children performing on Sesame Street. Op.39 ; TH 141 I-Catalogue Number I-Cat. ), Armageddon in Waco (Chicago: University of Chicago, 1995); Stuart A. Wright, "Construction and Escalation of a 'Cult' Threat: Dissecting Moral Panic and Official Reaction to the Branch Davidians," pp.75–94 in Stuart A. Wright (ed. It is a comedy that tells these stories from a child's point of view without moralizing or talking down. In 2017 the global total fertility rate was estimated to be 2.37 children per woman,[65] adding about 80 million people to the world population per year. Meredith, Izzie, George, Alex, and Bailey went to the site of a massive ferry boat accident. During middle childhood, children enter the school years, where they are presented with a different setting than they are used to. [7][8] In U.S. Immigration Law, a child refers to anyone who is under the age of 21.[9]. The negotiating team established contact with Koresh inside the compound. [10] In many cultures, a child is considered an adult after undergoing a rite of passage, which may or may not correspond to the time of puberty. Such views contrasted with the stridently didactic, Calvinist views of infant depravity.[21]. 52 Chapter 505 (p. 12) and Episode 399, Kid reveals that he … In Singapore, for example, a child is legally defined as someone under the age of 14 under the "Children and Young Persons Act" whereas the age of majority is 21. During social play, children learn from and teach each other, often through observation.[15]. July 16, 2002. However, courts at the time would consider the offender's age when deliberating sentencing. 1. A fire destroyed a $500,000 administration building and press; Roden said Koresh started the fire, but Koresh replied that "no man set that fire" and that it was a judgment of God. Kim Bauer was born sixteen years before Day 1, the only child of Jack and Teri Bauer.Her father was a federal agent, and the job caused a lot of stress on her parents' marriage. In 2004, Koresh's 1968 Chevrolet Camaro, which had been damaged during the raid, sold for $37,000 at auction. It often imposes imaginative status on certain sections of the urban realm (local buildings, kerbs, street objects, etc.). They … The first three videos of the series starred actress .As the Backyard Gang video series was becoming only a moderate success outside of Texas (where it was pretty successful for a local video series), the daughter of Larry Rifkin (former head of Connecticut Public Television) got a Barney vid… FANDOM allows anyone to create or edit any article!If you are new to wikis, check the getting started information page. He was born on March 24, 1944 in Emporia, Kansas, U.States. The legal definition of child generally refers to a minor, otherwise known as a person younger than the age of majority. Secret or hidden skills are skills that a Sim can gain with practice but will not appear in the interface. Lois's son George Roden intended to be the group's next leader and considered Koresh an interloper. "I think your father is the best man I've ever known, but he can be... difficult - and his job doesn't make it any easier." — Morris O'Brian, "Day 5: 5:00am-6:00am"Morris O'Brian was an intelligence agent at CTU Los Angeles and the husband of Chloe O'Brian. Branch Davidians Religious Leader. Ken Miles was born on Friday, November 1, 1918 (age 47 years; at the time of death)in Sutton Coldfield, England. Koresh also wanted to be God's tool and set up the Davidic kingdom in Jerusalem. The Court TV (now TruTV) television series Mugshots released an episode about Koresh. Coming from a dysfunctional background, Koresh was a member and later a leader of the Branch Davidians, a movement originally led by Benjamin Roden, based at the Mount Carmel Center outside Waco, Texas. Her Roman equivalent is Diana. Alan drove by to pick her up to go to th… The Fritzl case emerged in 2008, when a woman named Elisabeth Fritzl told police in the town of Amstetten, Austria, that she had been held captive for 24 years by her father, Josef Fritzl. Children: Olivia Taylor (daughter) Roger Taylor (son) Status: Alive Played by: Cherry Jones: Season(s): 7, 8: First episode: 24: Redemption: Last episode: "Day 8: 3:00pm-4:00pm" [14]:310–311 General Assembly Resolution 44/25 of 20 November 1989", "For more children, less time for outdoor play: Busy schedules, less open space, more safety fears, and lure of the Web keep kids inside", "U.S. children and teens spend more time on academics", "Are your kids really spending enough time outdoors? [53] During the Industrial Revolution, the life expectancy of children increased dramatically. [24] The campaign eventually led to the Factory Acts, which mitigated the exploitation of children at the workplace[22][25]. Several of his albums were released, including Voice of Fire, in 1994. Factory-made dolls and doll houses delighted the girls and organized sports and activities were played by the boys. Eine Dokumentation. In the early 2000’s Transigen began to implement chemicals in mass produced food products such as corn syrup. The Rotherham child sexual exploitation scandal consisted of the organised child sexual abuse that occurred in the town of Rotherham, South Yorkshire, Northern England from the late 1980s until the 2010s and the failure of local authorities to act on reports of the abuse throughout most of that period. [citation needed], The geographies of childhood is similar in some respects to children's geographies which examines the places and spaces in which children live. Shortly after the initial raid, the FBI Hostage Rescue Team took command of the federal operation, because the FBI has jurisdiction over incidents involving the deaths of federal agents. No. Mar 24. During the European Renaissance, artistic depictions of children increased dramatically, which did not affect the social attitude to children much, however. Author: Ip Tsz Yan Natalie, BBA (Law) IV; HKU Date: 7/8/10 United Nations Convention on the Rights of a Child Article 24 Children have a right to enjoy the highest standard of health – including protection from air pollution: 1. [25] Regarding the allegations of physical abuse, the evidence is less certain. IVK 2 Key see below: Movements/Sections Mov'ts/Sec's: 24 Pieces петрушка (петрушка) / Petrushka (C major) The KidzSearch Wiki is a safe easy to understand edited version of Wikipedia made just for kids. It was adapted into a film, which was adapted into a video game. However, according to the National Association for the Education of Young Children, early childhood also includes infancy. Their Children In 1997 Nicole gave birth to their first child, a son named Truth Young, and four years later the couple welcomed a daughter named Truly Young. [12] He claimed to have become a born-again Christian in the Southern Baptist Church and soon joined his mother's church, the Seventh-day Adventist Church. In 1929, when he was 11 years old, he started riding a “350cc Trials Special Triumph bike.” Once, while riding the bike, he met with an accident and broke his nose and three teeth. KidzSearch Safe Wikipedia for Kids. Bonnie Sue and Haldeman had a son together, named Roger, who was born in 1966. States Parties recognize the right of the child to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health and to facilities for the … [citation needed] R Lee Ermey Biography – R Lee Ermey Wiki. [43] In 2011, British indie rock band The Indelicates released a concept album, David Koresh Superstar, about Koresh and the Waco siege.[44][45]. Data from UNICEF indicate that in 2011, 57 million children were out of school; and more than 20% of African children have never attended primary school or have left without completing primary education. Ascent to leadership of the Branch Davidians, Allegations of child abuse and statutory rape, Detroit Free Press, March 2, 1993, page 11A, David G. Bromley and Edward D. Silver, "The Davidian Tradition: From Patronal Clan to Prophetic Movement," p.54 in Stuart A. Wright, Armageddon in Waco: Critical Perspectives on the Branch Davidian Conflict (Chicago: University of Chicago, 1995), See Christopher G. Ellison and John Bartkowski, "'Babies Were Being Beaten': Exploring Child Abuse Allegations at Ranch Apocalypse," pp.111–152 in Stuart A. Wright (ed. [56] Education is compulsory in most places up to a certain age, but attendance at school may not be, with alternative options such as home-schooling or e-learning being recognized as valid forms of education in certain jurisdictions. Children: Pom, Flora, Alexander, Isabelle: Relatives: Arthur (brother-in-law), Badou (grandson), Lulu (granddaughter), Periwinkle (daughter-in-law), Cory (son-in-law) Nationality: African Retrieved June 26, 2012. Kids have always been a part of the Street — the first scene in the premiere episode includes a group of kids playing basketball. In this period, children develop socially and mentally. Al and Mr. Zippy the chimp, sitting next to each other in the final scene of MWC Season 11, Episode # 24 Number (#259) in series (259 episodes) Guest star(s) Larry Bagby IIIJames NardiniMatthew SutherlandMichael C. MahonAbbey NayorLisa-Gay TremblayCheryl RhoadsGita Isak Network: FOX Production code: 11.21 Writer(s) Eric Abrams & Matthew Berry Director Mark K. Samuels Taping date … Your daily source for all things TV, movies, and games, including Star Wars, Fallout, Marvel, DC and more. A corollary of this doctrine was that the mind of the child was born blank, and that it was the duty of the parents to imbue the child with correct notions. 桜井曰く「企画もので、名前もMr.Children ... でもないし、楽曲だけ提供するみたいな気持ちで作ったもの」とのこと 。 2020年12月24 日から1週間の期間限定公開でセッション映像「Memories Sessions」が公開され、「Documentary film」と共に披露された。このセッションでは小林武史と四家卯大らが演奏 … Koresh's followers were acquitted, and in Koresh's case, a mistrial was declared. They are classed as unable to make serious decisions, and legally must be under the care of their parents or another responsible caregiver. Roden continued to harass the Koresh faction by filing legal papers while imprisoned. Playing and interacting with other children, as well as some adults, provides opportunities for friendships, social interactions, conflicts and resolutions. It ends with puberty (around age 12 or 13), which typically marks the beginning of adolescence. [59][60], Social attitudes toward children differ around the world in various cultures and change over time. Protection of children from abuse is considered an important contemporary goal. [57] According to a UN report, warfare is preventing 28 million children worldwide from receiving an education, due to the risk of sexual violence and attacks in schools. It is based on a book series of the same name, created by Marc Brown in 1976. [16], During the 1600s, the concept of childhood began to emerge in Europe. [12] Due to his poor study skills and dyslexia, he was put in special education classes and nicknamed "Vernie" by his fellow students. No. In 1981, Koresh moved to Waco, Texas, where he joined the Branch Davidians (not to be confused with the original Davidian Seventh-Day Adventist Church). In one widely reported incident, ex-members claimed that Koresh became irritated with the cries of his son Cyrus and spanked the child severely for several minutes on three consecutive visits to the child's bedroom. When he was 19 years old, Koresh had an illegal sexual relationship with a 15-year-old girl who became pregnant. Barricaded inside the building, 79 Branch Davidians perished in the ensuing blaze; 21 of these victims were children under the age of 16. Legal scholars point out that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) had no legal jurisdiction in the matter of child protection and these accounts appear to have been inserted by the ATF to inflame the case against Koresh. In an attempt to flush Koresh out of the stronghold, the FBI resorted to pumping CS gas into the compound with the aid of an M728 Combat Engineer Vehicle, which was equipped with a battering ram. Fandom Staff Mar 30 Copied to clipboard. Education, in the general sense, refers to the act or process of imparting or acquiring general knowledge, developing the powers of reasoning and judgment, and preparing intellectually for mature life. [40] Children who are being raised in a hurried and pressured style may limit the protective benefits they would gain from child-driven play. ISBN 978-3-902245-07-6. Children generally have fewer rights than adults and are classed as unable to make serious decisions, and legally must always be under the care of a responsible adult or child custody, whether their parents divorce or not. Adolescence is usually determined to be between the onset of puberty and legal adulthood: mostly corresponding to the teenage years (13-19). [13] Upon the entrance of school, mental disorders that would normally not be noticed come to light. These women purportedly chosen through this doctrine included at least one underaged girl, Michelle Jones, who was the younger sister of Koresh's legal wife Rachel and the daughter of lifelong Branch Davidians Perry and Mary Belle Jones. Alan York, the father of Kim's friend Janet, called and told her his daughter was also missing. It is most common in children between the ages of seven and twelve. [43], Nature Deficit Disorder, a term coined by Richard Louv in his 2005 book Last Child in the Woods, refers to the trend in the United States and Canada towards less time for outdoor play,[44][45] resulting in a wide range of behavioral problems. At the global level, Article 13 of the United Nations' 1966 International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights recognizes the right of everyone to an education. 16-year downtrend in national park visits explained by watching movies, playing video games, internet use, and oil prices", "Out-of-School Children Initiative | Basic education and gender equality", "BBC News - Unesco: Conflict robs 28 million children of education", "UK | Education | Barriers to getting an education", "BBC News - Africa gold rush lures children out of school", "Child brides around the world sold off like cattle", "Child marriage among boys: a global overview of available data", "Fertility, mortality, migration, and population scenarios for 195 countries and territories from 2017 to 2100: a forecasting analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Child&oldid=1016410808, Wikipedia indefinitely semi-protected pages, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles needing additional references from August 2017, All articles needing additional references, Articles with unsourced statements from August 2017, Wikipedia articles with SELIBR identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 7 April 2021, at 01:04. Homer refers to her as Artemis Agrotera, Potnia Theron: "Artemis of the wildland, Mistress of Animals". Arthur Wiki is an unofficial collaborative encyclopedia about the children's series Arthur and all related media. [citation needed]. She has a slender, voluptuous figure that Lucy Heartfilia described as "amazing." With the onset of industrialisation in England in 1760, the divergence between high-minded romantic ideals of childhood and the reality of the growing magnitude of child exploitation in the workplace, became increasingly apparent. 58 Chapter 565 (p. 2) and Episode 474, Kid and his crew watch the broadcast of Ace's execution at Sabaody. In 1966, the American philosopher George Boas published the book The Cult of Childhood. Erza is a young woman with long, scarlet hair and brown eyes. In the film, they have dull, gray-colored skin and staring eyes. [citation needed] Jean Jacques Rousseau formulated the romantic attitude towards children in his famous 1762 novel Emile: or, On Education. Premade children have no skills. The grant and resumption under Bill C-37 and Bill C-24 included these people's children. After Meredith finished stabilizing a patient's badly wounded leg with the help of a little girl just by the water, the man panicked and pushed Meredith off the edge into the bay. It is now owned by Ghost Adventures host Zak Bagans. R Lee Ermey Age. Koresh described his early childhood as lonely. “The average American child spends 44 hours a week with electronic media”. [14] Koresh dropped out of Garland High School in his junior year. [27] Child may also describe a relationship with a parent (such as sons and daughters of any age)[4] or, metaphorically, an authority figure, or signify group membership in a clan, tribe, or religion; it can also signify being strongly affected by a specific time, place, or circumstance, as in "a child of nature" or "a child of the Sixties".[5]. Young children's street culture usually takes place on quiet backstreets and pavements, and along routes that venture out into local parks, playgrounds, scrub and wasteland, and to local shops. When Koresh and his followers reclaimed the Mount Carmel Center, they discovered that tenants who had rented from Roden had left behind a meth lab, which Koresh reported to the local police department and asked to have removed. No one knows who killed him or if he killed himself. [29], The allegations of child abuse largely stem from detractors and ex-members. From the late 17th century onwards, children were shown playing with toys and later literature for children also began to develop at this time.[11]. 4. durchgesehene Auflage. Some scholars believe that the name, and indeed the goddess herself, was originally pre-Greek. While she and David were finishing up preparing for the morning's breakfast gathering from their hotel, David received a phone call from Maureen Kingsley. Die Website wurde am 25. The younger Roden was then jailed for contempt of court in 1988,[8] and later committed to a mental hospital in 1989 for murdering Wayman Dale Adair (a man who Roden claimed was sent by Koresh to kill him).[9][10].
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