Vietnam sollte Monsanto nicht von dieser Unwissenheit profitieren lassen, meint Nguyen Le und weiter: «Monsanto kann schon zurückkommen; doch dann sollten die Menschen darüber informiert werden, dass diese Firma Agent Orange herstellte und dass das Unternehmen weltweit in der Kritik steht. Die 79-jährige Französin Tran To Nga hat Monsanto und 13 weitere Chemiefirmen verklagt. Monsanto's roles in agricultural changes, biotechnology products, lobbying of government agencies, and roots as a chemical company, resulted in controversies. This agrarian development, it says, serves to benefit farmers and produce greater yields due … It was named for the orange band around the storage barrel. The Agent Orange produced by Monsanto had dioxin levels many times higher than that produced by Dow Chemicals, the other major supplier of Agent Orange to Vietnam. Chemicals giant Monsanto has reached a settlement with US residents who claimed they were poisoned by chemicals used in the manufacturing of the Vietnam-era chemical weapon Agent Orange. With the International Monsanto Tribunal beginning this week (14-16 October) in The Hague, MICK GRANT reports from Vietnam with this special investigation for The Ecologist five decades after the company's lethal herbicide Agent Orange first devastated the country - and discovers the agribusiness giant is sneaking its way back into Vietnam with modern herbicides and 'Roundup-Ready' GMO crops. Kelly has battled severe health issues all her life. Agent Orange was a tactical herbicide used by the U.S. military for control of vegetation. Agent Orange was only produced for, and used by, the government.” In a post on its website , the company notes it was one of nine government contractors who manufactured the chemical. The company once manufactured controversial products such as the insecticide DDT, PCBs, Agent Orange, and recombinant bovine growth hormone. Monsanto was established in St. Louis, Missouri in 1901, setting out to make saccharine. Ehemalige US-Soldaten, die im Vietnamkrieg mit dem Entlaubungsmittel Agent Orange in Berührung gekommen waren, hatten Sammelklagen gegen mehrere Hersteller eingereicht. 1985 wurde nach einem außergerichtlichen Vergleich von sieben Firmen, darunter Monsanto, ein Entschädigungsfonds über 180 Millionen US-Dollar eingerichtet. USDA proposes to allow farmers to plant 2,4-D resistant corn and soy wherever they please without any government oversight, and downplays any and all impacts. He was exposed to Agent Orange while serving two tours of duty. All the propaganda in the world can’t erase the fact that they first poisoned thousand of Vietnamese, Thai, and Koreans as well as countless American soldiers with Agent Orange, who only now receive compensation for the effects of Monsanto’s bio-warfare decades later. 2,4-D is a component of Agent Orange, the notorious defoliant manufactured by Monsanto and Dow. By the 1940s, it was producing farm-oriented chemicals, including herbicide 2,4 … Agent Orange. Agent Orange. Sie wurde in Vietnam als junge Frau durch das Entlaubungsmittel Agent Orange vergiftet. The military sprayed Agent Orange and other tactical herbicides during the Vietnam War. Monsanto has been in the poison game for a long time. To Monsanto, genetically modified seeds are a more relevant topic today than the history of Agent Orange associated with a previous version of their company.
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