What Power art thou, Who from below, Hast made me rise, Unwillingly and slow, From beds of everlasting snow! Sting, der ganz große Gentleman der Rockmusik, schlägt leisere Töne an. Cold Song Lyrics: What power art thou who from below / Hast made me unwillingly and slow / From beds of everlasting snow? Music notes for Piano/Vocal/Guitar (Piano Accompaniment) sheet music by Sting Henry Purcell: Hal Leonard - Digital Sheet Music at Sheet Music Plus. Cold Song Songtext von Sting mit Lyrics, deutscher Übersetzung, Musik-Videos und Liedtexten kostenlos auf Songtexte.com Welche Macht bist Du? SONGLYRICS just got interactive. / Sees thou not how stiff, how stiff and wondrous old / Far, far unfit to La vidéo musicale avec la piste audio de la chanson commence automatiquement en bas à droite. Des couches de neige éternelle! What Power art thou, Who from below, Hast made me rise, Unwillingly and slow, From beds of everlasting snow! Pour améliorer la traduction, vous pouvez suivre ce lien ou appuyer sur le … Who from below, Prior to starting his solo career, he was the principal songwriter, lead singer and bassist for the rock band The Police. Besetzung Scorch und Pdf I can scarcely move, Highlight. Vocês podem clicar nele para ver os respectivos textos e as traduções: Aqui está uma pequena lista das músicas desenhadas por que poderiam ser tocadas no concerto e no seu álbum de riferência: Do you know any background info about this track? STING - COLD SONG (SONG) Year: 2009: Music/Lyrics: Henry Purcell John Dryden: Producer: Sting Robert Sadin: AVAILABLE ON FOLLOWING MEDIA: Version: Length: Title: Label Number: Format Medium: Date: 3:14: If On A Winter's Night... Deutsche Grammophon 270 1743: Album CD: 2009-10-23: 3:14: If On A Winter's Night... [Limited Deluxe CD + DVD Edition] Deutsche Grammophon 271 3940: Album CD: 2009 … "The Cherry-Tree Carol" Traditional: 3:10: 13. Cold Song Songtext. See'st thou not how stiff, Die von unten mich liess auferstehn. "Cold Song" Music by Henry Purcell, lyrics by John Dryden: 3:14: 8. Sting Cold Song: What power art thou who from below Hast made me unwillingly and slow From beds of everlasting snow? Artiste: Sting (aussi connu comme Gordon Matthew Thomas Sumner CBE) Compositeur: Henry Purcell, John Dryden, Robert Sadin, Sting. The Cold Song Original Songtext. Far unfit to bear the bitter cold. Some user-contributed text on this page is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. RIFF-it good. Sting lançou uma nova música nomeada 'Cold Song' extraída do álbum 'If on a Winter’s Night...' e nos estamos felizes en mostrar-lhes o texto e a tradução.. O álbum consiste em 14 músicas. Watch the video for Cold Song from Sting's If On A Winter's Night for free, and see the artwork, lyrics and similar artists. Noch keine Übersetzung vorhanden. Cold Song Partitions. Cold Song lyrics performed by Sting: (Music by Henry Purcell, Lyrics by John Dryden) What power art thou, Who from below, Sting lançou uma nova música nomeada 'Cold Song' extraída do álbum 'If on a Winter’s Night...' e nos estamos felizes en mostrar-lhes o texto e a tradução.. O álbum consiste em 14 músicas. Lyrics. Sting Cold Song Lyrics. See'st thou not how stiff, And wondrous old, Far unfit to bear the bitter cold. And wondrous old, Hast made me rise, Miscellaneous Album. Eine Winterreise mit Sting und seinen Gästen (u.a. Sting ha pubblicato una nuova canzone dal titolo 'Cold Song' tratta dall'album 'If on a Winter’s Night...' e noi siamo lieti di mostrarvi il testo e la traduzione.. L'album si compone di 14 canzoni. Cold Song chords by Sting. I can scarcely move, Or draw my breath, I can scarcely move, Or draw my breath. Sure, it's a different take on the song, but aren't artists allowed to interpret in their own way? Let me, let me, The poison runs through my veins, And it stings me. The crossword clue possible answer is available in 5 letters. Cold Song Noten, Sting, Henry Purcell Downloaden und Drucken © 2021 METROLYRICS, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. The music video with the song's audio track will automatically start at the bottom right. It takes me far away Pour améliorer la traduction, vous pouvez suivre ce lien ou appuyer sur le … What Power art thou, Let me, let me, This crossword clue Gently sting, as with cold was discovered last seen in the April 6 2021 at the New York Times Crossword. - Yalp What Power art thou who from below Hast made me rise unwillingly and slow What Power art thou, Who from below, Hast made me rise, Unwillingly and slow, From beds of everlasting snow! Escuchar Musica Cold Song - Sting Online Grati. Listen to Cold Song by Sting, 6,551 Shazams, featuring on Sting: Next Steps Apple Music playlist. Sting - Cold Song Lyrics. Or draw my breath. The Cold Song deutsche Übersetzung von Klaus Nomi. Genre: Rock. Gordon Matthew Thomas SumnerCBE (born 2 October 1951), known by his stage name Sting, is an English musician, singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, activist, actor and philanthropist. Cold Song Sting Buy This Song. Cold Song noten. Cold Song Sting Buy This Song. What Power art thou who from below Hast made me rise unwillingly and slow From beds of everlasting snow? Prior to starting his solo career, he was the principal songwriter, lead singer and bassist for the rock band, Gordon Matthew Thomas Sumner CBE (born 2 October 1951 in Wallsend, Newcastle upon Tyne, England), known by his stage name Sting, is an English musician, singer-songwriter, multi-instrumenta…, Gordon Matthew Thomas Sumner CBE (born 2 October 1951 in Wallsend, Newcastle upon Tyne, England), known by his stage name Sting, is an English musician, singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, activist, actor and philanthropist. A new version of Last.fm is available, to keep everything running smoothly, please reload the site. Erstelle dein Deezer Konto und höre Cold Song von Sting sowie 56 Millionen weitere Songs. Prio…, Bring On The Night (2003 Stereo Remastered Version), Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Sein neues Album »If on a Winter’s Night …« ist eine »akustische Meditation« über die verschiedenen Aspekte des Winters. Sting - Cold Song parole. Freeze again to death! HOT SONG: 21 Savage x Metro Boomin - "My Dawgâ" - LYRICS, NEW SONG: Rod Wave - POP SMOKE - "MOOD SWINGS" ft. Lil Tjay - LYRICS, NEW SONG: AC/DC - "Shot In The Dark" - LYRICS, NEW SONG: Shawn Mendes - "Wonder" - LYRICS, The 18 Greatest Revenge Songs of All Time. Lyrics to 'Cold Song' by Sting. No niceties for him, no comforts of carols; he favors formal over familiar, writing madrigals, not ditties. The music video with the song's audio track will automatically start at the bottom right. "The Burning Babe" Music by Chris Wood, lyrics by Robert Southwell: 2:46: 9. Cold Song - letra, canción: You stole my home from me, And it feels wrong, And I can't breathe. Below you will find lyrics, music video and translation of Cold Song - Sting in various languages. L'auteur de Cold Song est Sting (aussi connu comme Gordon Matthew Thomas Sumner CBE). Music notes for Piano/Vocal/Guitar (Piano Accompaniment) sheet music by Sting Henry Purcell: Hal Leonard - Digital Sheet Music at Sheet Music Plus. Écoutez Cold Song de Sting, 6,247 Shazams, disponible sur la liste de lecture Apple Music Sting: Next Steps. Sting Me Lyrics. "Balulalow" Music by Peter Warlock, lyrics traditional: 3:08: 12. Cold Song Lyrics Sting If On A Winter's Night. Dozens of musicians appear on the album in various configurations, including jazz, folk and classical players. You stole my home from me, And it feels wrong, And I can't breathe. Sting - Cold Song (traducción letra en español) - What power art thou who from below / Hast made me unwillingly and slow / From beds of everlasting snow / See'st thou not … To improve the translation you can follow this link or press the blue button at the bottom. Learn Cold Song music notes in minutes. Paroles de chanson Sting - Cold Song traduction, lyrics, video. This answers first letter of which starts with N and can be found at the end of T. We think NIPAT is the possible answer on this clue. See'st thou not how stiff, how Schau das Video für Cold Song von Sting's If On A Winter's Night kostenlos und sieh dir Coverbilder, Songtexte und ähnliche Künstler an. Free preview, SKU 49706. Cold Song Testo. No pun intended. Print and Download Cold Song sheet music. Paroles de la chanson Cold Song par Sting officiel. I think it's brilliant, so maybe give it a few more listens and see if you don't warm up to it. The Official Sting Fan Club. Print and Download Cold Song sheet music. Freeze again... Lyrics. Composer. Heyo! Or draw my breath, Vocês podem clicar nele para ver os respectivos textos e as traduções: Aqui está uma pequena lista das músicas desenhadas por que poderiam ser tocadas no concerto e no seu álbum de riferência: FAVORITE (6 fans) Sting. Sting - Cold Song (Letras y canción para escuchar) - What power art thou who from below / Hast made me unwillingly and slow / From beds of everlasting snow / … Cold Song - Sting, Musica OnLine, para pasar momentos agradables escuchando buena música, este es tu lugar, y lo mejor viene con buena calidad acompañado de los mejores grupos y artistas, Música de gran Calidad y ordenados según a su Genero, Categoría y … Cold Song - Sting, Musica OnLine, para pasar momentos agradables escuchando buena música, este es tu lugar, y lo mejor viene con buena calidad acompañado de los mejores grupos y artistas, Música de gran Calidad y ordenados según a su Genero, Categoría y … "Now Winter Comes Slowly" Music by Henry Purcell, lyrics by Thomas Betterton: 3:04: 10. Download Sting Cold Song sheet music notes and printable PDF score arranged for Piano, Vocal & Guitar. I love Klaus Nomi's version and, frankly, just about every rendition I've heard of this song. Cold Song Lyrics: What power art thou who from below / Hast made me unwillingly and slow / From beds of everlasting snow? Unwillig und langsam aus den Betten des ewig … Daniel Hope, Dominic Miller, Chris Botti) ist in dieser Jahreszeit einfach lohneswert. Print and download Cold Song sheet music by Sting. Jetzt Übersetzung hinzufügen. Song Lyrics. What Power art thou, Who from below, Hast made me rise, Unwillingly and slow, From beds of everlasting snow! Arrangement für Gitarre, Klavier und Stimme. Home > S > Sting > If On A Winter's Night (2009) > Cold Song; Testo Cold Song (Music by Henry Purcell, Lyrics by John Dryden) What power art thou, Who from below, Hast made me rise, Unwillingly and slow, From beds of everlasting snow! I love Sting's interpretation too, especially how the backup singers come in and add the breathes beneath his melody while he sings. "Russians" is a song by Sting, from his debut solo album, The Dream of the Blue Turtles, released in June 1985, and released as a single in November. The Cold Song ou Cold Genius Song (la scène du froid, ou l'air du froid, ou le génie du froid, en anglais) est un célèbre air d'opéra épique pour orchestre symphonique et voix de basse vibrato.Il est extrait de What Power Art Thou ?
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