Januar 1882 in Bagshot Park, Surrey; † 1. Known in Sweden as Margareta,[1] her marriage produced five children, and she is the grandmother of King Carl XVI Gustaf, Queen Margrethe II of Denmark and Anne-Marie, former Queen of Greece. Mai 2012 in Ängelholm) war das fünfte und jüngste Kind des schwedischen Königs Gustaf VI. 1917 organisierte die Prinzessin die Margaretainsamlingen för de de fattiga ("Margarets Spendensammlung für Arme"). Mai 1920 in Stockholm, Schweden) war ein Mitglied der britischen Königsfamilie, aus dem Haus Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha, und durch ihre Heirat mit dem späteren König Gustav VI. Als die Paraffinvorräte zur Neige gingen, initiierte sie eine Kerzensammlung, und im November 1917 entwarf sie einen Plan zur Ausbildung von Mädchen in der Landarbeit. Innerhalb der Familie wurde sie Daisy gerufen. Home; Books; Search; Support. Januar 1882 als Margaret Victoria Charlotte Augusta Norah in Bagshot Park in Surrey geboren, war Prinzessin Margaret of Connaught die älteste Tochter des Prinzen Arthur, 1.Duke of Connaught and Strathearn (1850–1942), und seiner Gattin Prinzessin Luise Margareta von Preußen (1860–1917), Tochter des Feldmarschalls Prinz Friedrich Karl und der Prinzessin Maria Anna von Anhalt-Dessau. Das Leben von Margaret beginnt am 15. Some time before this she had suffered from measles, which aggravated her ear, and she underwent surgery to remove a mastoid. Gustaf und der Königin Margrethe II. Among her godparents were Queen Victoria, Emperor Wilhelm I, the Crown Princess of Germany ( Queen Victoria’s eldest daughter ) … 302 likes. The Portuguese expected one of the Connaught princesses would become the future Queen of Portugal. See more ideas about connaught, princess louise, princess margaret. Margaret Victoria Augusta Charlotte Norah was born 15 January 1882 at Bagshot Park in Surrey, England. Prinzessin Margaret Victoria Charlotte Augusta Norah of Connaught VA CI DJStJ (* 15. Margaret of Connaught (1882-1920) Without logging in it is only possible to see persons who already died. Von Hauslehrern unterrichtet erhielt Prinzessin Margaret eine besondere Ausbildung in Ölmalerei durch die französische Impressionistin Madeleine Fleury. Mai 1920 in Stockholm, Schweden) war ein Mitglied der britischen Königsfamilie, aus dem Haus Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha, und durch ihre Heirat mit dem späteren König Gustav VI. Princess Margaret of Connaught (Margaret Victoria Charlotte Augusta Norah; 15 January 1882 – 1 May 1920) was Crown Princess of Sweden as the first wife of the future King Gustaf VI Adolf. [7], Margaret was a dedicated mother to her children, and was determined to spend time with them. She was not keen on letting them be raised by nursery staff, as was the convention of the day.[8]. von Dänemark. Sie fungierte auch als Unterstützerin für durch den Krieg getrennte Familien. [5] The bridal party included the bride's cousin Victoria Eugenie of Battenberg, the young Princess Mary, and the bride's sister, Princess Patricia. In announcing her death during traditional International Workers' Day celebrations, Swedish Prime Minister Hjalmar Branting said: "the ray of sunshine at Stockholm Palace has gone out" (Solstrålen på Stockholms slott har slocknat). Margaret was born at Bagshot Park, Surrey to Prince Arthur, Duke of Connaught and his wife, Louise of Prussia, on March 11, 1882. Ursprünglich war an Margarets Schwester Patricia als Braut Gustav Adolfs gedacht, doch sollen sich dann Margaret und der schwedische Prinz auf den ersten Blick ineinander verliebt haben. Daisy, wie sie genannt wird, muss früh lernen, was es bedeutet, ein Mitglied der britischen Königsfamilie zu sein. So reiste die herzogliche Familie Connaught im Januar 1905 nach Portugal, wo sie vom Königspaar Karl I. und Amélie empfangen wurde. Sie und ihr Gatte hatten das Schloss Sofiero als Hochzeitsgeschenk erhalten, wo sie sich oft im Sommer aufhielten und um die dortigen, im englischen Stil gehaltenen Gärten intensiv bemühten. von Dänemark. Known in Sweden as Margareta, her marriage produced five children, and she is the grandmother of King Carl XVI Gustaf, Queen Margrethe II of Denmarkand Anne-M… Originally, Margaret's sister Patricia had been considered a suitable match for Gustaf Adolf; without his knowledge, a meeting was arranged with the two sisters. Adolf und der Prinzessin Margaret of Connaught. Dreißig Jahre vor der Thronbesteigung ihres Gatten starb Kronprinzessin Margareta plötzlich am 1. In Cairo, they met Prince Gustaf Adolf of Sweden, the future Gustaf VI Adolf of Sweden, grandson of the Swedish King Oscar II. Margaret Victoria Charlotte Augusta Norah war die Tochter von Arthur, Duke of Connaught and Strathearn (1850–1942), und seiner Gattin Prinzessin Luise Margareta von Preußen (1860–1917), Tochter des Feldmarschalls Prinz Friedrich Karl und Prinzessin Maria Anna von Anhalt-Dessau.Ihre Großeltern väterlicherseits waren die britische Königin Victoria und deren Prinzgemahl Albert von … Margaret's efforts during the war were pro-British, in contrast to her mother-in-law's strictly pro-German attitude. Her parents were Prince Arthur, Duke of Connaught, and Princess Louise Margaret of Prussia. When paraffin supplies ran low she organized a candle collection, and in November 1917 she instituted a scheme to train girls to work on the land. On 1 May 1920, her fathers 70th birthday died suddenly in Stockholm. Sie gründete in Schweden eine Schneidervereinigung zur Unterstützung des Roten Kreuzes. Im März 1898 fand ihre Konfirmation in der Privatkapelle von Windsor Castle statt. Januar 1882 in Bagshot Park, Surrey; † 1. Ihre Großeltern väterlicherseits waren die britische Königin Victoria und deren Prinzgemahl Albert von Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha. Duke of Connaught and Strathearn, Gunnila Märtha Louise Wachtmeister af Johannishus, https://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Margaret_of_Connaught&oldid=209648216, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“, Margaret of Connaught; Margaret Victoria Charlotte Augusta Norah Saxe-Coburg and Gotha; Margareta von Schweden. The marriage between Margaret and Gustaf Adolf is described as a happy love match. Wegen ihrer Aktivitäten war sie in britischen Regierungskreisen hochangesehen. Arthur, 1. Since the previous Sunday, she had been suffering from pain in her face from something below her eye, and doctors decided to perform another procedure. Januar 1882 in Bagshot Park, Surrey; † 1. The society was called Kronprinsessans Centralförråd för landstormsmäns beklädnad och utrustning ("The Crown Princess's central storage for clothing and equipment of the home guard"), which was to equip the Swedish armed forces with suitable underwear. Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom holding her granddaughter Princess Margaret of Connaught Princess Margaret was the… Adolf Kronprinzessin von Schweden sowie Herzogin von Schonen. During World War I, Margaret created a sewing society in Sweden to support the Red Cross. In Kairo traf sie Gustav Adolf (1882–1973), den ältesten Sohn des schwedischen Kronprinzen und späteren Königs Gustav V. und der Prinzessin Viktoria von Baden. März 2021 um 12:58 Uhr bearbeitet. Princess Margaret of Connaught (Margaret Victoria Charlotte Augusta Norah; January 15, 1882 – May 1, 1920) was Crown Princess of Sweden and Duchess of Scania as the first wife of the future King Gustaf VI Adolph of Sweden. Princess Louise Margaret of Prussia (Louise Margaret Alexandra Victoria Agnes; 25 July 1860 – 14 March 1917), later Duchess of Connaught and Strathearn, was a member of the House of Hohenzollern and of the British royal family.She served as the viceregal consort of Canada when her husband, Prince Arthur, Duke of Connaught and Strathearn, served as the governor general from 1911 to 1916. She was also eager to find out more about Sweden, and on many occasions went on incognito trips. Margaret Victoria Charlotte Augusta Norah Windsor of Connaught was born 15 January 1882 in Bagshot to Arthur, Duke of Connaught and Strathearn (1850-1942) and Luise Margarete von Preußen (1860-1917) and died 1 May 1920 in Stockholm of infection. Zu Margarets Hochzeitgeschenken zählte die Connaught-Tiara, die sich heute in der schwedischen königlichen Juwelensammlung befindet. Prinzessin Margaret und ihre jüngere Schwester Patricia wurden Anfang des 20. empfangen. Als Taufpaten fungierten ihre Großmutter Königin Victoria, ihr Urgroßonkel Kaiser Wilhelm I. von Preußen (vertreten durch den deutschen Botschafter Graf Georg Herbert zu Münster), Kaiserin Augusta, ihre Tante die Kronprinzessin Victoria von Preußen (vertreten durch deren Schwester Prinzessin Helena), ihre Großeltern mütterlicherseits, Prinz Friedrich Karl von Preußen und seine Frau Maria Anna (vertreten durch den Duke of Edinburgh und Prinzessin Beatrice) sowie ihr Onkel der Prince of Wales und spätere König Eduard VII. Juni 1905 fand dann die Hochzeit der 23-jährigen Margaret und des zehn Monate jüngeren Gustav Adolf in der St.-Georgs-Kapelle auf Windsor Castle statt. Als Brautjungfer fungierte sie am 6. She was the elder daughter of Prince Arthur, Duke of Connaught, third son of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom, and his wife Princess Louise Margaret of Prussia. Margaret, the niece of King Edward VII of the United Kingdom, was on a royal tour with her parents, who wanted to marry their daughters off to suitable royal spouses. Diese Vereinigung wurde Kronprinsessans Centralförråd för landstormsmäns beklädnad och utrustning ("Das Zentrallager der Kronprinzessin für Bekleidung und Ausrüstung der Landwehr") genannt und sollte die schwedischen Streitkräfte mit geeigneter Unterwäsche ausstatten. She was the elder daughter of Prince Arthur, Duke of Connaught, third son of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom, and his wife Princess Louise Margaret of Prussia. At the end of the war, when the final steps towards full democracy were taken in Sweden, Margaret's positive attitude to reform influenced her husband the Crown Prince. [12], At 2 o'clock in the morning on Saturday, 1 May 1920, her father's 70th birthday, Crown Princess Margaret died suddenly in Stockholm of "blood poisoning" (sepsis). Margaret of Connaught [2] The Khedive tiara's story begins even before the piece's creation. In 1917, Margaret organized Margaretainsamlingen för de fattiga ("The Margaret fundraiser for the poor"). Margareta (1882-1920), in English often referred to by her original name Margaret, was a Princess of Great Britain and Ireland, daughter of the Duke of Connaught, and by marriage became Crown Princess of Sweden and Duchess of Scania (Skåne). Sie erhielt Unterricht zum Erlernen der Landessprache und konnte nach zwei Jahren bereits recht gut Schwedisch sprechen. Am 15. She was also active in her work on behalf of prisoners. [2] She was known as "Daisy" to her family. [10] During her first years in Sweden, Margaret behaved with great seriousness and was therefore regarded as stiff, but the view of her changed because of her great interest in sports, where she showed a more relaxed and natural manner. She was a bridesmaid along with her sister at the wedding of their paternal cousins the Duke and Duchess of York on 6 July 1893.[3]. Im Winter ging sie Skifahren und Eislaufen, während sie die Sommermonate für Tennis- und Golfspielen nutzte. Princess Margaret grew up as a member of the British royal family, taking part in family holidays and weddings. [14][15], In Britain, there had been reports that Margaret was unhappy in Sweden and there were dubious rumours at her death that it actually had been a suicide. A gift from King Gustaf V and Queen Victoria of Sweden to their daughter-in-law Margaret of Connaught on her wedding day. [17], Upon her marriage in 1905, Princess Margaret adopted the arms of a Princess of Sweden and Duchess of Scania, with an inescutcheon of her previous arms: the arms of the United Kingdom, with an inescutcheon of Saxony, the whole differenced by a label argent of five points, the first and fifth bearing fleurs-de-lys azure, the second and fourth shamrocks vert, and the central point a cross gules. Their uncle, Edward VII, wanted his nieces to marry a European king or crown prince. Juli 1893 bei der Hochzeit des künftigen britischen Königs Georg V. und Maria von Teck. [19], Generations are numbered from the daughters-in-law of. She requested that there should be no lying-in-state after her death. The history - and stories - of a family") Askild & Kärnekull Förlag AB, Stockholm 1978. Ferner setzte sie sich europaweit für Kriegsgefangene, insbesondere britische Staatsbürger, ein, indem sie ihnen etwa Essenspakete übersenden ließ. Sie stand auch mit mehreren Verwandten in Briefkontakt. She was the daughter of Arthur Duke of Connaught and Princess Louise Margarete of Prussia. Sie trat während ihrer ersten Jahre in Schweden sehr ernst und zurückhaltend auf und wurde deshalb als steif betrachtet, doch änderte sich ihre öffentliche Wahrnehmung u. a. durch ihr großes Interesse an Sport, bei dessen Ausübung sie sich zwangloser gab. Princess Margaret was born at Bagshot Park and baptised in the Private Chapel of Windsor Castle on 11 March 1882 by the Archbishop of Canterbury. Darüber hinaus ist sie die Großmutter des schwedischen Königs Carl XVI. [4] The visiting Infanta Eulalia of Spain wrote that the Crown Princess gave the Swedish court "just a touch of the elegance of the Court of St James's" and of how much Margaret loved her life in Sweden.[9]. Prinzessin Margaret von Connaught und Strathearn VA (* 15. Am 15. Prince Gustaf Adolf, Duke of Västerbotten, Prince Arthur, Duke of Connaught and Strathearn, Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem, Prince Edward, Duke of Kent and Strathearn, Princess Victoria of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld, "The Duke and Duchess of York and Bridesmaids", https://www.thegazette.co.uk/London/issue/27822/page/5219, Anne, Princess Royal and Princess of Orange, Caroline Matilda, Queen of Denmark and Norway, Charlotte, Princess Royal and Queen of Württemberg, Princess Mary, Duchess of Gloucester and Edinburgh, Princess Charlotte, Princess Leopold of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld, Augusta, Grand Duchess of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, Victoria, Princess Royal and German Empress, Alice, Grand Duchess of Hesse and by Rhine, Princess Helena, Princess Christian of Schleswig-Holstein, Princess Beatrice, Princess Henry of Battenberg, Princess Frederica, Baroness von Pawel-Rammingen, Louise, Princess Royal and Duchess of Fife, Grand Duchess Victoria Feodorovna of Russia, Princess Alexandra, Princess of Hohenlohe-Langenburg, Princess Marie Louise, Princess Maximilian of Baden, Alexandra, Grand Duchess of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Mary, Princess Royal and Countess of Harewood, Princess Sibylla, Duchess of Västerbotten, Princess Caroline Mathilde of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Princess Alexandra, The Honourable Lady Ogilvy, Princess Beatrice, Mrs Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi, Princesses of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha by birth, German Empress Victoria, Queen of Prussia, Grand Duchess Alice of Hesse and by Rhine, Helena, Princess Christian of Scheswig-Holstein, Clotilde, Archduchess Joseph Karl of Austria, Amalie, Duchess Maximilian Emanuel in Bavaria, Louise, Princess Philipp of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha-Koháry, Joséphine Caroline, Princess Karl Anton of Hohenzollern, Alexandra, Princess of Hohenlohe-Langenburg, Dorothea, Duchess of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Augustenburg, Princess Teresa Cristina, Baroness Taxis of Bordogna and Valnigra, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Princess Sophia Magdalena of Denmark and Norway, Princess Hedvig Elisabeth Charlotte of Holstein-Gottorp, Princess Sibylla of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Princess_Margaret_of_Connaught&oldid=1017035594, House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha (United Kingdom), Companions of the Order of the Star of India, Ladies of the Royal Order of Victoria and Albert, Articles with Swedish-language sources (sv), Short description is different from Wikidata, SKBL template using Wikidata property P4963, Wikipedia articles with RKDartists identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SELIBR identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SNAC-ID identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Margaret Victoria Charlotte Augusta Norah, This page was last edited on 10 April 2021, at 12:23. Princess Margaret of Connaught (Margaret Victoria Charlotte Augusta Norah; 15 January 1882 – 1 May 1920) was Crown Princess of Sweden as the first wife of the future King Gustaf VI Adolf. She died 30 years before her husband's accession to the throne of Sweden. She married Gustaf VI Adolf of Sweden had 5 children Gustaf 1906, Sigvard 1907, Ingrid 1910, Bertil 1912 and Carl Johan 1916. She fell gravely ill on Friday night when symptoms of sepsis became evident, and she died within hours. On Thursday, symptoms of erysipelas appeared under her right ear. Adolf Kronprinzessin von Schweden sowie Herzogin von Schonen. She was the elder daughter of Prince Arthur, Duke of Connaught, third son of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom , and his wife Princess Louise Margaret of Prussia . After two years, she spoke good Swedish. Die erst 38-Jährige war zu diesem Zeitpunkt mit ihrem sechsten Kind im achten Monat schwanger und wurde nach ihrem Tod auf dem Friedhof Haga bestattet. The couple spent their honeymoon at Adare Manor in County Limerick, Ireland, and arrived in Sweden on 8 July 1905. Princess Margaret of Connaught. Die beiden Söhne Karls I., der Kronprinz Ludwig Philipp (1887–1908) und sein jüngerer Bruder Prinz Manuel (1889–1932), kamen als Ehekandidaten für die beiden jungen britischen Prinzessinnen in Frage, und der portugiesische Hof rechnete damit, dass eine dieser Prinzessinnen portugiesische Königin würde. Margarets Eltern waren mit der geplanten Eheverbindung ihrer Tochter sehr zufrieden. She was the elder daughter of Prince Arthur, Duke of Connaught, and Princess Louise Margaret of Prussia. She also acted as intermediary for relatives separated by the war. When Princess Margaret of Connaught was 23 and her younger sister Princess Patricia of Connaught was 18, both girls were among the most beautiful and eligible princesses in Europe. Carl Johan Arthur Bernadotte Graf von Wisborg (* 31. Ihre Haltung dürfte zum Abbau der Spannungen und zur Bewahrung der schwedischen Monarchie maßgeblich beigetragen haben. She married Gustav VI Adolf of Sweden (1882-1973) 15 June 1905 in Windsor. Jahrhunderts zu den schönsten Prinzessinnen Europas gezählt. Mai 1920 im königlichen Palast von Stockholm an den Folgen einer Blutvergiftung, die sie sich nach der Operation einer verschleppten Mittelohrentzündung (Mastoiditis) zugezogen hatte. Princess Margaret of Connaught (Margaret Victoria Charlotte Augusta Norah; 15 January 1882 – 1 May 1920) was Crown Princess of Sweden as the first wife of the future King Gustaf VI Adolf. The Duke and Duchess of Connaught gave the diadem to their daughter Princess Margaret of Connaught (guess the mystery of the name is over) in honor of her wedding to then-Crown Prince Gustav Adolf of Sweden in 1905. May 19, 2014 - Explore Jane Stewart's board "Margaret of Connaught" on Pinterest. Sie ist die älteste Tochter von Prinzessin Luise Margareta von Preußen und Prinz Arthur, einem Sohn von Königin Victoria. Doch keine der Heiratserwartungen wurde wahr. Arthur and Louise Margaret had one son and two daughters. May 27, 2018 - Margaret Victoria Charlotte Augusta Norah (15 January 1882 – 1 May 1920) was Crown Princess of Sweden as the first wife of the future King Gustaf VI Adolf of Sweden. Zu diesem Thema verfasste Margaret 1915 das Buch Vår trädgård på Sofiero ("Unser Garten in Sofiero") sowie 1917 Från blomstergården ("Aus dem Blumengarten"), welche Werke mit ihren eigenen Zeichnungen und Fotografien illustriert waren und zugunsten von Haushaltsschulen mit Kinderbetreuung verkauft wurden. Born on January 15, 1882, at Bagshot Park in Surrey, England, Margaret was the eldest of the three children of Prince Arthur, Duke of Connaught (third son of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert) and Princess Louise Margaret of Prussia.She grew up at her parents’ homes at Bagshot Park and Clarence House in London, England, and was known in the family as Daisy. As a member you can also view family trees, list all ancestors and descendants for any person and find cousins who are already members. [4] Gustaf Adolf felt great pressure from the "Prussian" military discipline with which he had been raised by his mother, and he was greatly affected by and attracted to Margaret's differing English customs. Nach der Ankunft in ihrer neuen Heimat war sie am prodeutsch gesinnten schwedischen Hof nicht sonderlich willkommen, fand aber beim einfachen Volk rasch einigen Anklang. Nov 12, 2018 - Margaret Victoria Charlotte Augusta Norah; Lived from 15 January 1882 – 1 May 1920 (38). Juli 1905 in Schweden ein. Er war ein Onkel von König Carl XVI. She and her spouse received Sofiero Palace as a wedding gift, and they spent their summers there and made a great effort creating gardens in an English style on the estate; her children participated in their improvement. Margaret de Connaught (en anglais : Margaret of Connaught), née le 15 janvier 1882 à Bagshot Park (Royaume-Uni) et décédée le 1er mai 1920 à Stockholm (Suède), Princesse du Royaume-Uni, devenue princesse héritière de Suède. Margarita de Connaught (Margaret Victoria Charlotte Augusta Norah; Bagshot Park, Inglaterra, 15 de enero de 1882 - Estocolmo, 1 de mayo de 1920) fue la primera esposa del Rey Gustavo VI Adolfo de Suecia.. Prinzessin Margaret wurde am 11. When Gustaf Adolf's father, Crown Prince Gustaf, acceded to the throne as King Gustaf V in 1907, the couple became Crown Prince and Princess of Sweden. Margaret was also interested in art, and was an admirer of the works of Claude Monet. ist seine Nichte. Die kunstinteressierte, im Dezember 1907 zur schwedischen Kronprinzessin aufgestiegene Margaret malte nicht nur selbst, sondern fotografierte auch gern, nahm Gesangsunterricht und zeigte einen Hang für Gartengestaltung. Margaret of Connaught Prinzessin Margaret von Connaught und Strathearn, um 1905 Prinzessin Margaret Victoria Charlotte Augusta Norah von Connaught und Strathearn VA (* 15. Januar 1882 als Margaret Victoria Charlotte Augusta Norah in Bagshot Park in Surrey geboren, war Prinzessin Margaret of Connaught die älteste Tochter des Prinzen Arthur, 1. Oktober 1916 in Stockholm; 5. März 1882 in der Privatkapelle von Windsor Castle durch den Erzbischof von Canterbury, Archibald Campbell Tait, getauft. Die dänische Königin Ingrid war seine Schwester; die heutige Königin Margrethe II. She had two younger siblings, Arthur and Patricia. Margaret posed with the rest of the Connaught family wearing the emeralds during the festivities. She asked to be buried in her wedding dress and her veil, with a crucifix in her hands, in a simple coffin made from English oak and covered in British and Swedish flags. Gustav Adolf befand sich damals auf einer Studienreise zu den Pharaonengräbern. Gustaf Adolf and Margaret married on 15 June 1905 in St. George's Chapel at Windsor Castle. Margareta av Storbritannien och Irland eller Margaret av Connaught (Margaret Victoria Augusta Charlotte Norah), född 15 januari 1882 på Bagshot Park i Surrey i England, död 1 maj 1920 på Stockholms slott, var kronprinsessa av Sverige och hertiginna av Skåne genom sitt äktenskap med den svenske kronprinsen Gustaf VI Adolf. After her arrival in Sweden, Margaret, who in Sweden was called "Margareta", received lessons in the Swedish language, and asked to be educated in Swedish history and social welfare. Margaret took a great interest in many forms of sports; she used the winters for skiing, ice skating and playing hockey (what is nowadays called bandy), and played tennis and golf during the summers. Prinzessin Margaret Victoria Charlotte Augusta Norah of Connaught VA CI DJStJ (* 15. Mit ihrer Hilfe wurden private Briefe und Ersuchen zur Aufspürung Vermisster weitergeleitet. In 1879, Queen Victoria gave the fringe tiara as a wedding present to her daughter-in-law, Princess Louise Margaret of Prussia, when she married her third son, Prince Arthur, Duke of Connaught and Strathearn. Während des Ersten Weltkriegs konnte Margaret im deutschfreundlich gesinnten Schweden ihre probritische Haltung nicht offen zeigen und ihre Familie in England nicht einmal nach dem Tod ihrer Mutter im März 1917 besuchen. Darüber hinaus ist sie die Großmutter des schwedischen Königs Carl XVI. In January 1905, the Duke and Duchess of Connaught visited Portugal, where they were received by King Carlos and his wife, Amélie of Orléans, whose sons Luís Filipe, Duke of Braganza and Prince Manuel entertained the young British princesses. The family resided at their country home Bagshot Park and at Clarence House, their London residence.. Princess Margaret of Connaught (1882-1920), married Crown Prince Gustaf Adolf of Sweden, had issue, Margaret died before her husband became King Gustaf VI Adolf of … Duke of Connaught and Strathearn (1850–1942), und seiner Gattin Prinzessin Luise Margareta von Preußen (1860–1917), Tochter des Feldmarschalls Prinz Friedrich Karl und der Prinzessin Maria Anna von Anhalt-Dessau. With her help, private letters and requests to trace men missing in action were passed on. [6], One of Margaret's wedding presents was the Connaught tiara, which remains in the Swedish royal jewellery collection today. Mai 1920 in Stockholm, Schweden) war ein Mitglied der britischen Königsfamilie, aus dem Haus Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha, und durch ihre Heirat mit dem späteren König Gustav VI. Princess Margaret Victoria Augusta Charlotte Norah of Connaught was born on 15 January 1882 at Bagshot Park in Surrey. Januar 1882 als Prinzessin von Connaught und Strathearn. Januar 1882 in Bagshot Park, Surrey; † 1. Margaret's parents were very happy with the match. Margaret zeigte sich ferner für die Förderung der Lehrerausbildung sowie von Blinden sehr geneigt. [4] Gustaf Adolf and Margaret fell in love at first sight; he proposed at a dinner held by Lord Cromer at the British Consulate in Egypt and was accepted. In 1915, Margaret as Kronprinsessan Margareta published the book Vår trädgård på Sofiero ("Our Garden at Sofiero") and two years later also Från blomstergården ("From the Flower Garden") illustrated with her own drawings and photographs, which were sold for the benefit of household schools with childcare. Margaret av Connaught på Commons Margaretha av Sverige , født prinsesse Margaret av Connaught (Margaret Victoria Charlotte Augusta Norah) (født 15. januar 1882 i Bagshot Park i Surrey i England , død 1. mai 1920 i Stockholm ) var gift med den senere kong Gustav VI Adolf av Sverige , og var kronprinsesse av Sverige fra 1907 til sin død. Mai 1920 in Stockholm, Schweden) war ein Mitglied der britischen Königsfamilie, aus dem Haus Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha, und durch ihre Heirat mit dem späteren … Am 15. Era la hija mayor de príncipe Arturo, duque de Connaught y Strathearn, tercer hijo de la reina Victoria del Reino Unido, y de la princesa Luisa Margarita de Prusia. Queen Sonja wears the Norwegian emeralds ( Mark Renders/Getty Images) Princess Ingeborg gave the emeralds to her daughter, Crown Princess Martha of Norway, and today the emeralds are the grandest suite of jewels in the Norwegian royal vault.
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