We've found this new interface to be frustrating to use at times, particularly its overly enthusiastic voice assistant that pops up any time you say the word Mercedes. Mantemo-lo informado quanto às últimas atualizações sobre o novo EQA. Doch jetzt tut sich was: Ab sofort steht der rein elektrische Mercedes EQA bei den Händlern. Video: Mercedes EQA Probe gefahren. Découvrez l’EQA Business Solution Luxury. Once the host of the video, Matt, has finished introducing the circuit he goes to meet Jens ten Brink, a Mercedes-Benz test engineer and honorary tour guide. O equipamento de série ampliado proporciona um maior conforto na versão Progressive que inclui volante em pele e bancos pneumáticos conforto, câmara de marcha-atrás e porta da bagageira EASY-PACK. [1], Quilómetros de autonomia elétrica (WLTP)

EQA 250: consumo de energia em kWh/100 km (combinado): 19,1 – 17,7; emissões de CO2 em g/km(combinadas): 0.

, Minutos de tempo de carga em estações de carregamento rápido*. During my test drive, I took a detailed look at what the new, electric Mercedes EQA 250 offers in practice. That range figure is important because it means that it can compete with similarly priced rivals such as the Tesla Model 3 sedan and Model Y SUV. The EQA is a new all-electric model from Mercedes-Benz that will be similar in size and shape to the GLA-class crossover. Please try again later. For more information about the EQA's crash-test results, visit the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) websites. Minus Umweltprämie: Rund 38.000 Euro. Com novos e marcantes elementos de design, o EQA reflete o novo lifestyle de mobilidade elétrica. Tauchen Sie ein in die Welt von Mercedes-EQ und dem neuen EQA. Nachdem Mercedes EQC, den Sie im Video sehen, die Erwartungen am Markt nicht erfüllen konnte, startet Mercedes einen neuen Versuch mit dem EQA 250. The EQA will use a 66.5-kWh battery pack to deliver between 200- and 250-miles of driving range. Mit dem EQA legt Mercedes-Benz im Rennen um das beste E-Auto vor. Preis: Ab 47.540 €. We may earn money from the links on this page. Os sistemas de assistência ao condutor inteligentes disponíveis no EQA pensam consigo, controlam o que se passa na estrada e, em determinadas situações, podem alertar o condutor para perigos. We managed to fit six carry-on suitcases behind the GLA250's rear seat. While it felt responsive at city speeds, it was considerably more sluggish above 60 mph. Mercedes estimates it'll accelerate from zero to 62 mph in an unimpressive 8.9 seconds, and its top speed is electronically limited to 99 mph. Abspielen. [1] Os valores indicados foram determinados de acordo com os métodos de medição estipulados. Buying Advice. Zum Start schickt Mercedes den EQA 250 ins Rennen. Laut Mercedes-Presseinformation vom Oktober 2020 sollte die Produktion des EQA dann im Jahr 2020 beginnen. Tecnologia fascinante para uma experiência de condução completamente nova. Power will come from an electric motor, which will source its juice from a battery p… Nachdem Mercedes EQC, den Sie im Video sehen, die Erwartungen am Markt nicht erfüllen konnte, startet Mercedes einen neuen Versuch mit dem EQA 250. März 2021, 7:14 Uhr. O vídeo desejado não está disponível de momento. Wiederholen. MBUX é a abreviatura de Mercedes-Benz User Experience e significa que o seu EQA é inteligente e pode ser operado de forma intuitiva através dos grandes ecrãs de alta resolução, cujos conteúdos podem ser definidos pelo próprio utilizador. It’s part of the company’s EQ subbrand that focuses on electric vehicles and is slated to go into production late this year. With its 140 kW electric motor and its 66.5 kWh battery, the compact electric SUV should travel at speeds of up to 160 km/h and over 400 km. We're not sure how much smaller the cargo hold is, so we don't know how it'll affect luggage capacity. The navigation will likely offer a feature to help drivers more easily find EV charging stations. Although the Mercedes EQA is based on the Mercedes GLA, it drives purely electric. O consumo de energia e a autonomia dependem da configuração do veículo. Whereas some rivals, such as the Jaguar I-Pace, offer complimentary scheduled maintenance as part of the standard warranty package, EQA buyers will likely need to pay for maintenance out of pocket. 01:11 Min. Delve into the world of Mercedes-EQ and the new EQA, the first fully electric compact SUV from Mercedes-Benz. Die Proportionen der Familienmitglieder sind sich ähnlich, doch das Fahrgefühl des Mittelklasse-SUVs ist ein anderes. We expect the EQA's available trim levels to mirror those of the larger EQC, but we don't have set pricing just yet. Mergulhe no mundo da Mercedes-EQ e do novo EQA. However, Mercedes has slightly raised the cabin floor and the rear cargo floor to package the battery pack. Mercedes EQA: Autozeitung.de hat aktuelle Tests und Fahrberichte, Neuheiten, Erlkönige, Videos und News sowie Bilder und technische Daten. We tested the driving performance of the Mercedes-Benz EQA during the chill of winter. MBUX é a abreviatura de Mercedes-Benz User Experience e significa que o seu EQA é inteligente e pode ser operado de forma intuitiva através dos grandes ecrãs de alta resolução, cujos conteúdos podem ser definidos pelo próprio utilizador. Com a Versão Premium, o sistema de som de alta qualidade acrescenta à viagem um som intenso, enquanto o seu smartphone carrega sem fios. Das gewünschte Video ist momentan leider nicht verfügbar. Play. Tente novamente mais tarde. Under the hood, the standard EQA250 is powered by a single electric motor that generates 188 horsepower and exclusively feeds the front wheels. Electrifying looks. You can watch the video above. Video zum Thema: Das ist der neue Mercedes EQA. As part of Mercedes’s EQ subbrand, which produces fully electric models, the EQA is expected to enter production later this year. The European version of the front-drive, 188-hp EQA250 that we drove was slowed by its hefty curb weight. Mercedes-Benz plant laut einem Medienbericht einen straffen Zeitplan für die Markteinführung der Elektro-Modelle EQA und EQS. 2021 Mercedes EQA Debuts As Electric GLA With 188 HP As for its boxier brother, CarSpyMedia was able to spot the EQB in a test run at the Nurburgring. Bis dahin empfehlen wir Ihnen das Video oben, unser Rendering und die Erlkönigbilder unten (vom Februar 2020). A Versão Premium Plus inclui, entre outros, um generoso teto de abrir panorâmico. 100 KW potência de carregamento rápido (DC). Os packs de equipamento complementam-se e elevam o EQA ao nível seguinte. Latest video. Todos os cantos são eletrizantes: o interior do EQA. Once we get one in for testing, we'll run it on our 75-mph highway route, which is part of our extensive testing regimen, and we can evaluate its real-world efficiency. Med ordene "Hey Mercedes" aktiverer du MBUX, som forstår dig, dine ønsker og behov (engelsk). Com o seu potente motor elétrico e a bateria de iões de lítio de alta tensão, o EQA garante-lhe um prazer de condução eficiente. La location ou l’achat de votre nouvelle solution EQA Business Solution Luxury peut être à la fois privée et professionnelle. Du kan både bruge touchfunktionerne eller tale direkte til systemet. Agende o seu Test Drive e venha conhecê-lo. Key safety features are likely to include: The EQA is likely to offer the same warranty coverage as the EQC and other Mercedes models. Mercedes EQA : découverte et premier essai en VIDEO . Mit dem EQA lässt Mercedes ein elektrisches Kompakt-SUV auf GLA-Basis los. A operação é feita através do movimento da mão, por toque ou por voz. We may earn a commission for purchases made through our links. MBUX stands for Mercedes-Benz User Experience and simply means: your EQA can be operated intelligently and intuitively via the large, high-resolution screens, the content of which you determine yourself. *O tempo de carga corresponde a uma carga total de 10-80% em caso de utilização de uma estação de carregamento rápido CC com tensão de alimentação de 400 V, e um mínimo de 300 A de energia. Deixa tudo para trás: o design da traseira. 2021 Mercedes EQA250 Is a Half-Hearted EV, 2022 Mercedes EQA Has Clean Looks, Electric Power, Toyota Teases EV Crossover for BZ Electric Lineup. That means five seats with a reasonable amount of cargo space inside the rear hatch. Os meus contratos de leasing e financiamento, Mercedes-Benz Certified (veículos usados certificados), Manutenção para veículos com mais de 6 anos - Service Select, Sistemas de assistência Mercedes-Benz Intelligent Drive. Learn more about its specifications today, and explore features and optional packages to make the EQA your own. The more powerful EQA should help offset its mass, but we can't say whether it'll change its ride and handling. Weitere Lifestyle Stories . Jänner 2021|11:28 Uhr. Com as palavras "Olá, Mercedes", ativa o MBUX e expressa os seus desejos. Our car experts choose every product we feature. The 2022 Mercedes-Benz EQA is a new all-electric crossover SUV that's based on the regular subcompact GLA-class. Wir bieten Ihnen jetzt seit neuestem auch eine Konfigurationsberatung an. Weltpremiere. Inclui destaques como por exemplo o sistema de som surround Burmester® ou o teto de abrir panorâmico. La potenza è di 190 CV (140 kW), la coppia di 375 Nm, con un tempo di accelerazione nello 0-100 km/h di 8,9 secondi e 160 km/h di velocità massima. As it stands, we were unimpressed with the Mercedes's listless body control, intrusive stability-control system, and numb brake-pedal feel. Die Proportionen der Familienmitglieder sind sich ähnlich, doch das Fahrgefühl des Mittelklasse-SUVs ist ein anderes. Aktuelle Videos für alle Baureihen von Mercedes EQA inklusive technischer Daten Hier informieren! The result is reduced space in both areas, and it means back-seat passengers are forced into a less comfortable seating position than in the regular GLA. Mercedes has only released photos of a camouflaged prototype so far, but we can tell that its body is almost identical to the new GLA, meaning it will be a subcompact SUV likely with five seats. Ob das geschehen ist, wissen wir nicht, doch man darf wohl davon ausgehen, dass der EQA in diesem Jahr präsentiert wird. Registe-se agora para ter acesso ao seu painel pessoal. Bitte versuchen Sie es später noch einmal. From Sindelfingen to Arjeplog, Sweden. Der Mercedes EQA 250 ist ab sofort auch im Abonnement verfügbar. The requested video is currently unavailable. MBUX står for Mercedes-Benz User Experience og gør det muligt at betjene din EQA intelligent og intuitivt via de store skærme. Das Fahrzeug ist zwar das erste Modell der großen Hersteller in diesem Jahr, aber nicht das … Escolha entre três packs de equipamento diferentes e faça do EQA o seu EQA. La Mercedes EQA 250 è la versione di lancio ed è spinta da un motore elettrico asincrono trifase montato davanti e collegato alla trazione anteriore. By saying "Hey Mercedes", you activate MBUX and can express your wishes. Nenhum desejo fica por realizar. Operation is by hand gestures, touch or voice control. It will offer a touchscreen, voice command, and steering-wheel controls for its audio, navigation, and other functions. A Versão Advanced com, entre outras funcionalidades, dois displays brilhantes de 10,25" em forma de cockpit panorâmico, valoriza o interior do veículo. Mis à jour le 20 janvier 2021 à 19:08. Power comes from an all-electric powertrain that generates 188 horsepower on front-drive models and 268 horses on all-wheel-drive versions, which both source their juice from a battery pack mounted under the floor of the vehicle. Video veröffentlicht am 04. Publié le 20 janvier 2021 à 19:07. Its compact progressiveness is characterised by an iconic outline, intuitive new generation MBUX system and advanced driving assistance systems. Diese Videos könnten Sie auch interessieren. Aqui tem à sua espera informações interessantes em torno do novo EQA. We also don't know how the EQA will be equipped or what features will be standard or optional, but we'll find out more closer to the SUV's on-sale date. O consumo de energia e a autonomia foram calculados com base no Regulamento 692/2008/CE. Mercedes-Benz Financial Services BeLux SA, Avenue du Péage, 68, B-1200 Bruxelles - TVA : BE 0405.816.821 - RPM Bruxelles. Lange wurde Mercedes vorgeworfen, die Elektromobilität zu zaghaft anzugehen. Verbrauch: 17,7 kWh auf 100 Kilometer. Mercedes has only released information on the global model so far but says it is still being considered for entry into the U.S. market. Several features are likely to be standard, given the tech-forward nature of this vehicle. That total jumped to 16 bags of luggage with the seatbacks stowed. Während der E-Kompaktwagen bereits ab März ausgeliefert werden soll, ist angeblich für das Elektro-Flaggschiff der August für die erste Übergabe an Kunden vorgesehen. Watch again Share video Share image . Given the American appetite for luxury SUVs, we think bringing the 2022 EQA here would be a good move. Damit ist das Kompakt-SUV nach dem größeren EQC und dem Elektro-Transporter EQV bereits das dritte EQ-Modell, das es auch im Abo bei Mercedes-Benz Rent gibt.

EQA 250: consumo de energia em kWh/100 km (combinado): 19,1 – 17,7; emissões de CO2 em g/km(combinadas): 0.

. Mercedes-Benz EQA First Reviews Are In: Is It A Match For Tesla Model Y? Diese Videos könnten Sie auch interessieren. Als EQA 250 kommt der Stromer mit 190 PS und 375 Nm, der Preis startet bei 47.540 Euro (abzüglich 9570 Euro Umweltprämie). We expect the EQA to offer a full suite of driver-assistance features at least as optional extras. Standard forward-collision warning and automated emergency braking, Available lane-departure warning with lane-keeping assist, Limited warranty covers four years or 50,000 miles, Powertrain warranty covers four years or 50,000 miles, Hybrid components are covered for eight years or 100,000 miles. 06:07. Once the EPA tests the U.S. version of the EQA, it will provide an efficiency rating in MPGe, which is a miles-per-gallon equivalent for electric vehicles. EQA 250: consumo de energia em kWh/100 km (combinado): 19,1 – 17,7; emissões de CO2 em g/km (combinadas): 0. Erneut ansehen Film teilen Bild teilen . Interfaces para o smartphone e meios digitais proporcionam ainda um infotainment único. Equipamentos que combinam consigo na perfeição. The EQA is the latest addition to the all-electric Mercedes-EQ family. A Versão Premium Plus oferece equipamentos de nível superior. With new, distinctive design elements, the EQA stages the new, electric lifestyle. Save for a few rose gold accents and other trimmings, the EQA’s interior is essentially identical to the GLA’s. We're told there will eventually be a range-optimized EQA as well as an all-wheel-drive configuration with 268 horses. Das ist der neue Mercedes EQA. 625€/mes IVA incluido

Ejemplo de Mercedes-Benz Renting para particulares, para un EQA con paquetes AMG Line, Premium y Night, pintura metalizada y paquete Plug&Go, por 625 € al mes IVA incluido, aportación inicial de 10.704,79 € IVA incluido, a 36 meses y 15.000 km/año. A operação é feita através do movimento da mão, por toque ou por voz. Design. Tudo menos convencionais: as jantes do EQA. 20. Mercedes-Benz’s newest MBUX infotainment system will be on hand inside the EQA. Für den EQA 250 gibt Mercedes eine WLTP-Reichweite von 426 Kilometern an, später soll es eine Version mit über 500 Kilometern WLTP geben. If the 2022 EQA does in fact make it to American showrooms, it will be an all-new model and the entry point to the company's electrified SUV offerings. Der Mercedes EQA soll mit seinem 140 kW starken Elektromotor und seiner 66,5 kWh großen Batterie bis zu 160 km/h schnell und über 400 km weit fahren. Mit 66,5-kWh-Batterie 426 km Reichweite nach WLTP. Auf unseren YouTube-Kanal meinandersTV haben wir zum neuen Mercedes EQA schon das ein oder andere Video mit unseren Moderatoren Joschka Gossel und Dennis Tegeder gedreht. Mercedes EQA ist die Elektro-Version des Mercedes GLA. Wiederholen. Uma nova definição de modernidade desportiva. Os passageiros e outros utentes da estrada são protegidos com eficácia – mesmo quando já chegou ao seu destino, por exemplo, graças à função de aviso de saída. Os equipamentos de conforto e os sistemas de segurança no EQA garantem uma excelente experiência de condução elétrica. EQA 250 macht den Anfang. Wir sind mit dem EQA von Mercedes-Benz für ein paar Stunden unterwegs gewesen.
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