Gdy rozpoczęła się bitwa o Hogwart McGonagall dzielnie w niej walczyła. This information most likely not privy to her. Potrafiła zamienić się w burą kotkę, która wokół oczu miała czarne obwódki kształtem, przypominające noszone przez nią okulary. 1955: Minerva McGonagall starts working at the Ministry of Magic December, 1956: Minerva McGonagall begins teaching at Hogwarts December, 1957: McGonagall refuses a … "Dark flowing hair fell down to her waist". Po rozpoczęciu roku szkolnego profesor McGonagall została wezwana do Harry'ego i Rona, którzy przylecieli do szkoły latającym samochodem (przejście na peron zostało zamknięte przez Zgredka ze względu na intrygę Lucjusza Malfoya i Lorda Voldemorta, więc dwóch Gryfonów użyło własnego środka transportu). Minerva, loyal to her mentor and friend, loudly declared that he wouldn't be single-handed and actually made to draw her wand, fully prepared to duel the Minister for Magic himself. They both survived the war and still taught at Hogwarts. Później zabroniła też Neville'owi w formie szlabanu, ponieważ ten zgubił kartkę z hasłami do wieży Gryffindoru, którą znalazł Syriusz Black (zbieg z Azkabanu, który uciekł – jak sądzono – by zabić Harry'ego Pottera) i zabroniła komukolwiek podawać Neville'owi hasło. She was effortlessly capable of performing many simple everyday charms non … Minerva was worried over the messages left on the walls and was at a loss about what should be done. Minerva McGonagall is a character from Harry Potter. [21], McGonagall is present while Snape presents his newly activated Dark Mark, She was instructed to guard Crouch Jnr after he revealed his part in the rebirth of Voldemort but was unable to prevent the Dementor brought by Minister Cornelius Fudge from giving the Death Eater the Dementor's Kiss. They both believed that Divination was a very "woolly" subject and that Professor Trelawney was a fraud,[20] Furthermore, both were considered for Ravenclaw, but in the end were both Sorted into Gryffindor House. She also had a personal relationship with Neville's grandmother, who raised him. [11], Minerva argues with Dolores Umbridge over Umbridge's methods of punishment, When Harry Potter crossed Umbridge, earning a detention in his first class with her, Minerva was sympathetic but warned him that Umbridge was not to be trifled with and that he should keep his head down. [22] A year later, when Harry was on a mission given to him by Dumbledore, she didn't question the decision of the late headmaster, but immediately sought to provide whatever assistance she could.[12]. [31], At some point in 2008, ten years after the Battle of Hogwarts took place, Minerva gave Hermione Granger, who had since joined the Ministry and risen to a high-placed office in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, permission for Dumbledore's old notes on The Tales of Beedle the Bard to be published as part of her new translation of the book. Minerva Hippolyta McGonagall (b. October 4, 1921) is a half-blood witch and an Archmagister. Through her efforts and work, Minerva proved to be a inspirational yet strict teacher, maintaining control of her students with a stern hand that made her someone not to be crossed. [21], Once the Second Wizarding War had begun, Minerva joined the Order of the Phoenix and spent much of the summer of 1995 doing work for the Order. They were eventually tortured into insanity by Bellatrix Lestrange. The two clashed when he and Harry flew Arthur Weasley's flying car to Hogwarts. McGonagall seems to have had a good relationship with his future wife, Lily Evans. W tym roku Ministerstwo Magii podejrzewające, że Albus Dumbledore buduje armię przeciw Knotowi wysłało na stanowisko nauczyciela OPCM Dolores Umbridge, którą później Knot mianował Wielkim Inkwizytorem Hogwartu. Minerva McGonagall (r.4. Zapłakaną Minerwę odnalazł w jej gabinecie Dumbledore. McGonagall nie sprzeciwiła się jego dyrekcji, mimo iż – jak sądziła – Snape służył Voldemortowi, albowiem nic nie mogła zrobić sama, a chciała chronić uczniów. She supported him unequivocally even though she had never been fully in his confidence. She also wanted to keep Harry out of the explanation the imposter was about to give, believing Harry had had enough, but reluctantly conceded to Dumbledore's wish that Harry stay. [11] During the Battle of Hogwarts on 2 May, 1998, Minerva and Pomona had the same views on protecting the Castle against Lord Voldemort's Death Eaters. She enjoyed watching Quidditch, and supported the Montrose Magpies. She was known to be extremely caring in times of tragedy, being known for her kindness in her own reserved manner. The claim wasn't true, but Minerva was none the wiser. Człowiek She was the first female character confirmed to have kept her maiden when she married. Indeed, she treated Umbridge with as little credence and respect as possible while Hogwarts was under investigation by the Ministry of Magic and even gave Peeves tips on how to unscrew a chandelier when he was trying to cause havoc for Umbridge. During the Quidditch match against Ravenclaw, Draco Malfoy, Gregory Goyle, Vincent Crabbe, and Marcus Flint posed as Dementors to sabotage Harry's performance, only to get struck down when Harry reflexively cast a Patronus Charm at them. [21], Minerva loaned her classroom to Harry, Ron and Hermione so they could practise spells for Harry's preparation for the Third Task. Z drugiej strony jest to persona ciepła i wrażliwa, która zwykła jednak skrywać te uczucia głęboko. Professor Minerva McGonagall (* 04. Thus, for the first time in years, McGonagall's house was the current house cup champions. This page summarizes crowd sourced ratings of their personality collected from users of the Statistical "Which Character" Personality Quiz. [11] Following the confrontation with the Death Eaters who had invaded Hogwarts at the time of Albus Dumbledore’s death, Minerva became a fully fledged member of the Order of the Phoenix, which was now, more than ever, seen as an outlaw organisation. 9½", Fir, dragon heartstring[1] Minerva McGonagall (r.4. With him dealt with, as they couldn't care less if he succeeded or failed, the staff turned their attention to the thing they never thought would happen; the permanent closure of Hogwarts. Złą sławę zyskała sobie poprzez zadawanie długich i skomplikowanych prac domowych. Odtąd Umbridge wizytowała nauczycieli, w tym Minerwę. The confidences exchanged that night between were to form the basis of a lasting friendship. Rasa After her education, Minerva worked for two years at the Ministry of Magic and later returned to Hogwarts, where she became Head of Gryffindor House and the Transfiguration professor. W Baśniach barda Beedle'a znajduje się informacja, że McGonagall prosiła o wyraźne zaznaczenie, że stała się animagiem w sposób legalny i nigdy nie wykorzystywała tego w celach przestępczych. Minerwa była związana z Harrym od jego najmłodszych lat. Minerva used the map to discover that they were in the girls' bathroom on the first floor. Jako jedyny nauczyciel podczas wizytacji na swojej lekcji w sposób grzeczny, lecz stanowczo wyraziła swoją opinię o niestosownym zachowaniu Umbridge. Konkurs ma na celu ulepszenie artykułów pod względem tekstu i szaty graficznej. She was glad that Ginny was sorted into Gryffindor, and, although Ginny thought McGonagall was a little strict, she believed that the Transfiguration professor was also fair. After learning the nature of the event Hagrid carried Katie to the castle, accompanied by Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Leanne. Though she gave up Quidditch on leaving Hogwarts, the innately competitive Minerva later took a keen interest in the fortunes of her house team and retained a keen eye for Quidditch talent. W roku szkolnym 1997/1998 kontrolę nad Hogwartem przejął Lord Voldemort. Minerwa wyjaśniła mu powód swojego złego nastroju i zwierzyła się z sekretów, których nikomu innemu nie zdradziła. [13] The two students maintained an excellent relationship, which was kept well into their adulthood. Minerva was a role model for Hermione and both had much in common. [24], The Calamity Investigator was eventually successful in returning the Hogwarts Express in time for the start of the term, much to the relief of Minerva; who pointed out that the time-honoured tradition of riding the train to school was as much part of the "Hogwarts experience" as the Sorting ceremony. Elphinstone, who had never ceased to love her, proposed every now and then until she finally accepted after Dougal's death. Amycus then revealed that they had been warned that Harry might try to get into Ravenclaw Tower, to which Minerva responded with confusion as Harry was in her house, speaking of this with pride in her voice, before scanning the room. W roku szkolnym 1991/1992 swą naukę w Hogwarcie rozpoczął Harry Potter. The two shared a sense of humour, argued fiercely, and suspected mysterious depths in each other. Gryffindor[3] When the school year began in September, Minerva had to deal with the effects that the Dementors had on her students, such as Harry Potter. Based on what we know about Minerva from the series, I think that we can say wisdom is a quality that she possesses. Hence, Minerva was extremely shocked and disappointed in Hermione when she said she had gone looking for the Troll that invaded Hogwarts, under the impression that she could stop it. Minerva McGonagall was first described as a tall, rather severe-looking and \"sprightly\" seventy-year-old woman. Minerva took a shine to Hermione Granger since the younger witch successfully transfigured a match into a needle early on in her first Transfiguration lesson, before any other student. She nearly smiled when Harry pointed out how she couldn't take House Points for Gryffindor as it was only the beginning of the year. Her lessons consisted of but were not limited to match to needle, animal to water goblet, beetle to button, and mouse to snuffbox transformations, as well as Switching Spells, Vanishing, and Conjuring. Minerva always had a very prim expression. Minerwa wyraziła zgodę, by Harry mógł w klasie od transmutacji ćwiczyć zaklęcie przywołujące potrzebne mu do pierwszego zadania. Later in the year, Minerva was summoned to Gryffindor Tower when Ron Weasley claimed to have been attacked by Black. [34], Shortly prior to the beginning of the 2019–2020 school year, the Headmistress received owls from no less than three students in Ravenclaw House asking if they could receive their lesson plans early as not to fall behind in their studies, an exchange she noted that it was not uncommon for her to have with students of that house at the beginning of each term; noting that most students would be excited by the idea of an extended holiday. Minerva McGonagall was said to be a tall, rather severe-looking, and "sprightly" seventy-year-old woman. Kobieta jest także bardzo odważna. [1], The two parents remained together despite the shocking revelation, but their trust never was the same, much to the sadness of their perceptive daughter. Owdowiała w wieku 50 lat (jej mężem był Elphinstone Urquart). Minerwa podczas swojej edukacji w Hogwarcie była także członkiem drużyny quidditcha swojego domu. Like the rest of the faculty, Professor McGonagall did everything she could to protect the students, although they were ultimately unable to prevent the injury of several students and the death of a Slytherin student named Duncan Ashe; this all led to Jacob's expulsion. This was due to him being obnoxious, incompetent and insensitive, annoying her with nonsensical advices while being ignorant and unhelpful around the second opening of the Chamber of Secrets. Amycus then horrified her by stating his plan to push the blame for Alecto summoning Voldemort on the children in the dormitories, without remorse or concern that they would likely be killed or horribly tortured. Patronus Minerwy to kot. Minerwa zerwała jednak zaręczyny, ponieważ stojąc przed wyborem – ujawnić się, złamać prawo czarodziejów i zostać wykluczoną z ich świata czy pozostać pełnoprawną czarownicą i zrezygnować z miłości, wybrała to drugie. McGonagall nadal była nauczycielką transmutacji w Szkole Magii i Czarodziejstwa w Hogwarcie. [27], When the Calamity made another surge near the end of the always much anticipated Inter-House Quidditch League and whisked away with among other things the Hogwarts Quidditch Cup, Minerva alerted the Ministry of Magic, which duly dispatched a member of the Statute of Secrecy Task Force to return them all. She full-heartedly supported Snape sending Lockhart to deal with the monster within in the hopes of scaring her incompetent colleague away. Addressing the students, she held a brief speech about the importance of unity in spite of their individual differences, citing their victory at the Battle of Hogwarts as a prime example of what the castle's residents may accomplish when they work together and putting at ease nervous students by reminding them that even the famous Harry Potter had started out a student just like themselves. They fought Voldemort, along with Horace Slughorn, and all of them survived the war. Instead of expelling him, which was Madam Hooch's stated punishment for anyone caught doing so, Minerva instead took him to see Oliver Wood, captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team, to comment on his prodigious skill with the broom. Sadly, Lupin himself died in the Battle of Hogwarts. [1], At the age of eleven, Minerva attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Later on in the year, three students from her house — Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger — would run into trouble when Sirius Black returned to Hogwarts. [3] Although she permitted of-age students to choose whether they wanted to stay or evacuate for the Battle of Hogwarts as a respect for their valour and rights, she gave the strict orders for anyone underage to evacuate, prioritising their safety over their courage and refusing to let under-qualified children risk dying in battle despite their desires. She tried to comfort Harry about the death of Dumbledore but her efforts fell short, as she herself was devastated at the death of her beloved teacher. Minerva fell head-over-heels in love with McGregor, being the first and only time in her life that she might have been said to lose her head. The couple would later become Head Boy and Head Girl; neither appointment would have happened if their Head of House had not approved, which means she trusted them. Minerva and the parents tried to find them, but Moaning Myrtle reveals that they used a Time-Turner to save Cedric Diggory, much to Minerva's shock. McGonagall comforting Harry after refusing to allow him to go to Hogsmeade. [11], Despite Umbridge having the power to put Minerva on probation or even sack her, Minerva was not afraid to show her disgust and hatred of Umbridge to the woman's face. Then she sternly ordered him to call Peeves. McGonagall miała także drugie oblicze. Later, it was revealed that Hermione Granger also did. McGonagall, believing his retreat was motivated by fear, called out "Coward! She wore square spectacles that matched the markings around the eyes of her Animagus and Patronus: a silver tabby cat. [11] Umbridge returned to the Ministry in a high-ranking position and interrogated Muggle-borns, capturing them and imprisoning them to Azkaban. Gdy profesor Pomona Sprout odeszła na emeryturę McGonagall zatrudniła na jej miejsce Neville'a Longbottoma, który podczas nauki wykazał przejawy zainteresowania tym przedmiotem. This nearly exposed the wizarding world to Muggles, but Minerva was fairer than Snape, the one who brought the matter up in the first place. Minerva McGonagall was an incredibly powerful and talented witch whom none should have ever underestimated. [12], As the devoted instructor of Transfiguration classes, Minerva highly respected this specific branch of magic, which she considered be among the most difficult and sophisticated magic that Hogwarts students learn. Tartan robes are seen on McGonagall while she's watching Quidditch (wizard's sport) or she's wearing her evening gown.Minerva is a half-blood and was born on October 4, 1925 to a witch, Isobel (nee Ross) and a muggle, Robert McGonagall. Pewnej nocy McGonagall nakryła Dracona Malfoya oraz wychowanków domu, którego była opiekunem – Harry'ego Pottera, Hermionę Granger i Neville'a Longbottoma, jak ci chodzą w nocy po szkolnych korytarzach. Minerva never hesitated in displaying her loyalty to Dumbledore. Professor McGonagall was also surprised to discover, and took no small amount of pride in, the fact that more than seventy-four percent of the volunteers that had taken time off their busy schedules to assist the Ministry of Magic - by quill and parchment - with the arduous job of tracking, sorting, cataloguing, collating, and archiving returned Foundables for the Ministry were current and former members of Hufflepuff House. [14], During Gellert Grindelwald's rise, Minerva still taught at Hogwarts and was a close confidant to Dumbledore. As a result, Neville received a Howler from her during breakfast. [11] She also watched with some happiness when Peeves chased Umbridge from the school, commenting that she would've joined Peeves in chasing Dolores away in the school grounds, but Peeves had appropriated her walking stick. Minerva knew Albus Dumbledore for the majority of her life. Zielony Dame Margaret Natalie Smith CH DBE (born 28 December 1934) is an English actress. Marital status [12], McGonagall protecting students during Snape's regime. At the onset of the Battle of Hogwarts, McGonagall and Snape duelled inconclusively; with Professor Flitwick's later help, and Snape fled the school rather than continue the fight. Albus discovered Minerva in tears in her classroom late one evening after she found out about Dougal McGregor's marriage with another woman. McGonagall was one of the most serious professors at Hogwarts, and sometimes disapproved of Hagrid's behaviour, especially during the Sorting ceremony. The two continued to have a very positive relationship over the following years. Przed rozpoczęciem nauki, Minerwa wykazywała magiczne zdolności już jako niemowlę. [24] One such student was Grim Fawley; a young student in Hufflepuff House whose own magical education had been marred by the loss of both his parents to the Death Eaters in his second year, the same year saw him evacuated along with most of his peers while the older students, teachers and members Order of the Phoenix waged the legendary Battle of Hogwarts, which resulted in the death of Lord Voldemort and the conclusion of the Second Wizarding War. McGonagall and the Weasleys get along well, considering they were all in Gryffindor House and fellow members of the Order of the Phoenix. [12], Dolores Umbridge, her enemy and former colleague, Minerva disliked Dolores Umbridge right from the beginning when the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher began to invade Hogwarts with her Hogwarts High Inquisitor position and did everything she could in her power to circumvent Umbridge's authority without risking the loss of her job. The next items on the list was the memory of a hornbill that she once owned, which she had used as a teaching aid during her career as a Transfiguration professor, and remembered it fondly as "a good bird", although she had not viewed it as a pet, as she was more partial to cats. Department of Magical Law Enforcement employee[1]Professor of Transfiguration at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry[3]Head of the Transfiguration department[3] at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (?–1998)Head of Gryffindor House[3] (pre 1975–1998)Deputy Headmistress of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry[3] (?–1998)Headmistress of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry(1998–2020[10] (or later)) Though it rarely happened, Minerva showed a temper that could reveal itself on occasions when she was angry or flustered. Minerwa była jedną z najbardziej utalentowanych czarownic. In 2007, Dame Maggie Smith was diagnosed with breast cancer and struggled through the filming of Half Blood Prince (2008) while undergoing the chemo treatments. After Snape killed Dumbledore, McGonagall was shocked and perhaps personally hurt to find her formerly-respected colleague a murderer and apparent traitor. Previously, she was suspicious of Riddle in spite of the fact that she wasn't his teacher and thus shared her fears with Dumbledore in private. Bogin Now free to be with her kind and to exercise her talents, Minerva saw how her mother sobbed that day, not only out of pride, but also out of envy. Lily Potter(née Evans), one of McGonagall's best students and an ally in the first Order of the Phoenix. When she couldn't find Leta, Minerva removed the spell from the girl but promptly restored it with an irritated "Whisht!" After the murder was committed the Dark Mark, which was already cast into the sky, shadowed over the school grounds. And that's what's so endearing about McGonagall." She had light skin, green eyes, and black hair (gray in the films). Pomona Sprout, her longtime friend and colleague. [22] After the Second Wizarding War, Minerva may have been the one to employ Neville as the school's new Herbology professor. She did, however, admit to being suspicious of Snape's true allegiance though she trusted him simply because Albus did. Following a private conversation with Harry, Minerva later took the controversial decision to add a portrait of Severus Snape to the gallery of old headmasters and headmistresses in her tower office. Whilst Snape did put up a good defence, McGonagall gained the upper hand in the duel quickly, and when Filius Flitwick and Pomona Sprout arrived, Snape fled, now severely outnumbered. in 2003, Minerva wrote him a glowing letter of recommendation for him to attach to his job application when he showed at interest in joining the Ministry of Magic. [16], Knowing Minerva was the only one left in the school with Dumbledore gone that could possibly teach them the Revelio Charm, Jacob's Sibling turned to her to learn the spell. Informacje biograficzne Scottish[1] She would serve as Headmistress over Harry's three children, and in turn she learned to expect them to get into the same kinds of trouble as their father. Później jednak bitwa znów rozgorzała i Minerwa walczyła z samym Voldemortem. Harry cenił Minerwę i darzył ją szacunkiem. When Hermione explained about their first Divination, McGonagall understood and asked her class which of them would be dying this year. Zarządziła ewakuację niepełnoletnich uczniów oraz tych, co nie chcą walczyć i zapewniła szkole zaklęcia ochronne, które jednak nie były w stanie zatrzymać Voldemorta, a mogły go jedynie opóźnić. Snape was killed by Voldemort during the battle, but she learnt that Snape had killed Dumbledore in a painful act of loyalty to the Headmaster's own orders too late. After the First Wizarding War had ended, Minerva continued on with her career at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, carrying on teaching the art of Transfiguration. Minerva was one of only a handful of people who knew how dreadful a moment it was for Dumbledore when he made the decision to confront and defeat the Dark wizard Gellert Grindelwald in 1945.[13]. Harry Potter Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. In the final moments of the battle, she duelled Voldemort himself to a stalemate alongside Horace Slughorn and Kingsley Shacklebolt, though they were blasted aside by his fury when Bellatrix Lestrange was killed in a duel with Molly Weasley. It is possible that she had the same opinion of the real Moody, but Moody might have been friendly with McGonagall afterwards. The defeat of Voldemort ultimately ended the war and his followers were arrested and those that escaped went into hiding. While at the Ball, Minerva danced with both Ludovic Bagman and Dumbledore, among others. Either way, I doubt if a daughter would have any gripes, because: 1) Athena and Minerva are the goddesses of wisdom and intelligence. Hagrid was the gamekeeper, and later Care of Magical Creatures professor of Hogwarts. Minerva refused to allow it, prompting the Death Eater to spit in her face, only to be flung across the room with the Cruciatus Curse when Harry, who had witnessed the whole thing from under his Invisibility Cloak, revealed himself in sheer anger. Minerwa to osoba sprawiedliwa i nieco surowa, co sprawia, że wzbudza ogólny szacunek zarówno uczniów, jak i dorosłych czarodziejów. She gave Hermione one of her "rare smiles". [1], Among her first students were Newt Scamander and Leta Lestrange, the latter of whom was frequently in trouble with Minerva for retaliating to vicious gossip about her half-brother's death. Both Minerva and Horace battled together against Voldemort alongside Kingsley Shacklebolt in the Battle of Hogwarts. Relationship information Before coming to the school, she visited Diagon Alley and purchased her wand from Ollivander's Wand Shop. On the other hand, Minerva had no liking for Gilderoy Lockhart whatsoever, the D.A.D.A professor before Lupin. Maggie SmithWiesława Mazurkiewicz (polski dubbing) Although the couple had no children, her nieces and nephews visited often. [20], At the start of the year, when McGonagall demonstrated her Animagus form to her first class, she notes how quiet they were, as every class she demonstrated it to prior clapped. But she can also be kind of like that cool aunt of yours -- the one who sometimes lets you get away with a bit of mischief. Dom [36], Minerva examines the Marauder's Map with Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley, But, after using the map a few times and once purposefully ignoring the two because they were under the Invisibility Cloak, Minerva was again visited by Harry, Ginny and Draco and told him that she wanted no part in ruining friendships, to which he apologised and begged that she use the map to find Albus and Scorpius so that he can apologise to him too. As such, McGonagall was … Po tym, jak Dumbledore musiał uciekać z Hogwartu, a dyrektorką Hogwartu została Dolores Umbridge. Professor Minerva McGonagall is the head of Gryffindor house, the Deputy Headmistress of Hogwarts, and the best dang Transfiguration teacher the school has ever seen. While their old Charms Master was used his past as an expert on martial magic to assist in the training of prospective Aurors, Minerva on her part became involved in the tutelage of Calamity Investigators wishing pursued a career as a Professor. [1], Minerva was quickly recognised as the most outstanding student of her year with a particular talent for Transfiguration. Despite their hatred for each other, both McGonagall and Umbridge share the same patronus: a cat, although McGonagall's resembled her Animagus form. In 2009, during the filming of Deathly Hallows: Part 2 she developed shingles (a painful skin rash), but still continued the film despite the pain. While in the castle Minerva appeared and asked Harry what he was holding in his hand, it was the necklace wrapped in his scarf. Snape was able to stop the curse from spreading any further, but Katie was taken to St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries, where she spent much of that year recovering from the effects of the curse. McGonagall, Professor – The name is Scottish (also written as McGonigle or McGonegal) and is from the Celtic name “Conegal,” which means “the bravest.” The “Mc” in McGonagall means “son of.” By contrast, Maggie Smith was already in her late sixties at the time that she first played McGonagall. Physical information 4 October[1]Caithness, Scotland, Great Britain [12] In the aftermath of the battle, Professor McGonagall brought the winged bore statue's part in the battle to the attention of Professor Flitwick, who thought it an unlikely story seen as no one was known to have enchanted them, which subsequently lead to a long-standing disagreement between the two as to whether or not the Winged Boar Statues had, in fact, participated in the Battle of Hogwarts. Minerva had a long history with the Longbottom family, being allies with the Order of the Phoenix, in which Neville's parents were members. When Pansy Parkinson suggested they take the deal offered to them by Voldemort — that of their lives in exchange for Harry Potter — Minerva ordered the cowardly girl and all those not willing to fight to leave. Co ciekawe, kota-patronusa ma także. Podczas Ceremonii Przydziału Tiara Przydziału wahała się pięć i pół minuty między … Co do metod nauczania McGonagall nawet sama Umbridge nie miała, gdzie się przyczepić i musiała okazać jej szacunek. Upadek poskutkował wstrząśnieniem mózgu, kilkoma złamanymi żebrami i trwającą przez całe życie chęcią ujrzenia Ślizgonów pokonanych przez Gryfonów w meczu Quidditcha[3]. When Dolores Umbridge and several Aurors attempted to evict Hagrid from the grounds of Hogwarts, Minerva sought to intervene on behalf of her colleague.
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