Music for a while. 244, Jesu, Jesu du bist mein. No. Title 4 Songs for high voice and cello Composer Zwaag, Wim: I-Catalogue Number I-Cat. Music for a while Shall all your cares beguile: Wond'ring how your pains were eas'd And disdaining to be pleas'd Till Alecto free the dead From their eternal bands, Till the snakes drop from her head, And the whip from out her hands. When analysing the score it begins to complicate a bit, but one gets used to it. While the focus of CPDL is on choral music, there are a number of solo songs which have been transcribed and hosted there. An Introduction to the Skill of Musick (Playford, John) As Dedicatee (1) Works dedicated to: Purcell, Henry. First published: 1692 Track3 The opening background music is an original composition The various pieces of Purcell’s song Music for a While are sung a cappella by Katherine Ciesinski. Track 4 Date completed: 2008-03-18. Score and parts. Re: Template for new music publications Post by carlos » 09 Oct 2020 04:26 BarryJ wrote: ↑ 22 Aug 2020 15:35 There is now a template for use in creating new publication pages, Template:NewPublication . The echoing air a triumph sings, Z 629/48 (Henry Purcell), He that drinks is immortal (Henry Purcell), Hear me, O Lord, the great support (Henry Purcell), Hear my prayer, O Lord, Z 15 (Henry Purcell), Hence! Purcell, Henry. Mp3 "Nymphs and Shepherds come away" for soprano and basso continuo. The An ape, a lion, a fox and an ass, Z 241 (Henry Purcell), And in each track of glory, Z 333/5 (Henry Purcell), As Roger last night to Jenny lay close, Z 242 (Henry Purcell), Bacchus is a pow'r divine, Z 360 (Henry Purcell), The bashful Thames, Z 333/3 (Henry Purcell), Beati omnes qui timent Dominum, Z 131 (Henry Purcell), Begin the song (The Resurrection), Z 183 (Henry Purcell), Behold, I bring you glad tidings, Z 2 (Henry Purcell), Benedicite in B flat, Z 230/3 (Henry Purcell), Benedictus in B flat, Z 230/2 (Henry Purcell), Blessed city, heavenly Salem (Henry Purcell), Blessed is he that considereth the poor, Z 7 (Henry Purcell), The Blessed Virgin's Expostulation (Henry Purcell), Blow up the trumpet in Sion, Z 10 (Henry Purcell), Bow down thine ear, O Lord, Z 11 (Henry Purcell), Britons, strike home! Shall all your Cares beguile, No. The homepage of CPDL, while not particularly aesthetically pleasing, is easy to navigate and provides useful information quickly. # # # Music for a while, Description: From the incidental music for Oedipus. Wond'ring how your Pains were eas'd, Title: Music for a While. Volunteer: William Long. The entry in Cathedral Music, Volume 2 (William Boyce) reads: "Henry Purcell, was one of the Children of the Chapel Royal, and became Organist of the same in 1682. From their eternal bands, Till the snakes drop from her head, And the whip from out her hands. 3 organ preludes Bridal party entrance Bridal processional Introit pieces 2 Offertory pieces 3-4 Communion pieces Recessional Postlude Incidental music Composer Purcell, Henry: Opus/Catalogue Number Op./Cat. W. Wit and Mirth, or Pills to Purge Melancholy (D'Urfey, Thomas) As Editor (1) Works edited by: Purcell, Henry. Music for a While is a Norwegian kabaret ensemble led by Norway's uncrowned queen of cabaret, Tora Augestad. At this point in the drama, Tiresias, a blind seer (someone who can foretell the future), and two priests summon the ghost of King Laius to discover the identity of his murderer. Score and parts. —John Dryden, Oedipus, A Tragedy (1678, 1692) John Dryden’s reworking of Sophocles’s […] This page was last edited on 8 April 2021, at 13:02. and the Whip from out her Hand. for soprano, alto recorder (or violin), and basso continuo. And disdaining to be pleas'd, This category provides a list of Henry Purcell works on CPDL, sorted alphabetically by title of the works pages. This page was last edited on 9 October 2010, at 01:26. The following 1 pages are in this category, out of 1 total. Requested by: Katherine Fisher. Genre: Secular, Aria, Language: English if you are familiar with Bach's chorales can you direct me to a source where I can find the sheet music for the following chorales? It is on page 126 of Book II of Orpheus Britannicus. There is a category there for solo vocal music, which lists both hosted material and material hosted at other sites. My teacher uses another different way: Superius (G-clef), Altus (G-clef octave), Tenor (G-clef octave) and Bassus (F-clef). United Kingdom. He was also Organist of the Collegiate Church of St. Peter, Westminster, which Place he resigned in 1693. The Crofton Singers (in isolation) singing "Music for a While" by Henry PurcellSuch a wonderful composer. First published: 1692. Genre: Secular , Aria. CPDL also has a full-featured internal search system (click on the link for "Multi-category Search"), but a Google search for " cpdl 7 part choral music" will get you directly to the CPDL page, "Category: 7-part Choral Music," from which you may choose from among 306 pieces of music … Music for a While was written by Henry Purcell as incidental music for the play Oedipus, written by John Dryden and Nathaniel Lee in 1692. See the composer page for a list of works sorted by genre. Instruments: Basso continuo realized for keyboard, guitar, or baroque guitar. Chorale No. Music for a while Alt ernative. 261, Christ lag in Todesbanden. 294 MP3. Lyricist: John Dryden, Number of voices: 1v   Voicing: Soprano solo or SATB Z 257 (Henry Purcell), Laudate Deum omnes gentes (Henry Purcell), Let all mankind the pleasure share, Z 627/8 (Henry Purcell), Let mine eyes run down with tears, Z 24 (Henry Purcell), Let the night perish, Z 191 (Henry Purcell), Let us dance, let us sing, Z 627/App3 (Henry Purcell), Lord, have mercy upon us, Z 230/5 (Henry Purcell), Lord, how long wilt Thou be angry, Z 25 (Henry Purcell), Lord, I can suffer thy rebukes, Z 136 (Henry Purcell), Lost is my quiet forever, Z 502 (Henry Purcell), Love arms himself in Celia's eyes, Z 392 (Henry Purcell), Love quickly is pall'd, Z 632/11 (Henry Purcell), Love thou art best of human joys, Z 596/1 (Henry Purcell), Magnificat and Nunc dimittis in B flat, Z 230/7 & 8 (Henry Purcell), Magnificat and Nunc dimittis in G minor, Z 231 (Henry Purcell), Music for a while, Z 583/2 (Henry Purcell), My Lady's coachman John, Z 260 (Henry Purcell), My song shall be alway, Z 31 (Henry Purcell), Next winter comes slowly, Z 629/36 (Henry Purcell), Nicene creed in B flat, Z 230/6 (Henry Purcell), Nymphs and shepherds come away, Z 600/1 (Henry Purcell), O all ye people, clap your hands, Z 138 (Henry Purcell), O give thanks unto the Lord, Z 33 (Henry Purcell), O God, the King of glory, Z 34 (Henry Purcell), O God, thou hast cast us out, Z 36 (Henry Purcell), O happy man that fears the Lord, Z 139 (Henry Purcell), O Lord God of hosts, Z 37 (Henry Purcell), O Lord, Our Governor, Z 39 (Henry Purcell), O Lord, rebuke me not, Z 40 (Henry Purcell), O sing unto the Lord, Z 44 (Henry Purcell), O solitude, my sweetest choice, Z 406 (Henry Purcell), Of all the instruments, Z 263 (Henry Purcell), Once, Twice, Thrice, I Julia try'd, Z 265 (Henry Purcell), One industrious insect, Z 266 (Henry Purcell), Plung'd in the confines of despair Z 142 (Henry Purcell), Pox on you for a fop, Z 269 (Henry Purcell), Rejoice in the Lord alway, Z 49 (Henry Purcell), Remember not, Lord, our offences, Z 50 (Henry Purcell), Return fond muse, Z 321/12 (Henry Purcell), Soft notes and gently raised, Z 510 (Henry Purcell), Shepherd, leave decoying, Z 628/16 (Henry Purcell), Since God so tender a regard, Z 143 (Henry Purcell), Since the toils and hazards of war, Z 627/13b (Henry Purcell), Since time so kind to us does prove, Z 272 (Henry Purcell), Sing, sing, ye druids, Z 574/13 (Henry Purcell), Sound trumpet sound, beat ev'ry drum (Henry Purcell), Sweeter than roses, Z 585/1 (Henry Purcell), Te Deum and Jubilate in D, Z 232 (Henry Purcell), The earth trembled, Z 197 (Henry Purcell), The Lord is King, and hath put on glorious apparel (Henry Purcell), They shall be happy, Z 629/50ef (Henry Purcell), They that go down to the sea, Z 57 (Henry Purcell), This poet sings the Trojan wars (Anacreon's Defeat), Z 423 (Henry Purcell), Thou knowest, Lord, the secrets of our hearts, Z.58b (Henry Purcell), Three (More or Less Naughty) Catches (Various), Thy way, O God, is holy, Z 60 (Henry Purcell), Thy word is a lantern, Z 61 (Henry Purcell), To arms, your ensigns straight display, Z 574/15 (Henry Purcell), To thee, to thee and to a Maid, Z 283 (Henry Purcell), Tom making a manteau for a lass (Henry Purcell), True Englishmen, drink a good health, Z 284 (Henry Purcell), Turn then thine eyes, Z 629/50c (Henry Purcell), Under a green Elm lies Luke Shepherd's Helm, Z 285 (Henry Purcell), Under this stone lies Gabriel John, Z 286 (Henry Purcell), We sing to him, whose wisdom form'd the ear, Z 199 (Henry Purcell), We the spirits of the air, Z 630/17b (Henry Purcell), Welcome to all the pleasures, Z 339 (Henry Purcell), What can we poor females do? It has been a while since I have posted...I am getting married in January and would like to hear your suggestions on good Baroque/Renaissance choral and organ pieces for my nuptial Mass (low Mass). Till the Snakes drop from her Head; In addition to the search box, the homepage provides li nks to CPDL news, music scores appropriate to the current season, most recently added scores, and
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