44.525049, -110.83819 Believe it or not, this … However, until today there is no official explaining the colour of the lake. Parking Lot for Fighter Jets. In this article, we look at 20 of most amazing and weird things that you can see on both Google Maps and Google Earth. A Google Earth user has spotted a huge mysterious disc-shaped object sticking out from the ice in Antarctica. Check out these amazing and mysterious images from Google Earth satellite their data-rich Maps offerings, Google Earth is a treasure trove of oddities! El Segundo, California, USA. That's what Fox News implied when it ran this headline on its website Thursday last week in the US: "Google Maps Mystery Actually Spy Satellite Targets, Expert Says.". At coordinates 33.396157 N, 44.486926 E which lies outside the city of Sadr in Iraq, a strange lake that is coloured Red was found on Google Earth. Many users use the tool in an attempt to uncover the world’s mysteries such as this spooky symbol spotting in the Nevada Desert. Mysterious Desert Pattern 27°22’50.10″N, 33°37’54.62″E Red Sea Governorate, Egypt Check out these amazing and mysterious images from Google Earth satellite their data-rich Maps offerings, Google Earth is … 37°39’16.06″S 68°10’16.42″W Córdoba, Argentina, Heart-Shaped Land Formation 35.027185, -111.022388 | Here Google Earth captures a truck that crashed (Google Earth coordinates 46.765669,-100.79274) outside of Bismarck, North Dakota. 41.303921, -81.901693 Just copy and paste into Google Earth/Maps and explore for yourself! Newfound Google Maps images have revealed an array of mysterious structures and patterns etched into the surface of China's Gobi Desert. (written by kids), 5 Images Of Human Cell Magnified 10 Million Times. Has someone found the answer to the mystery of the curious Google Earth images of the Gobi Desert? 21 Amazing Mysterious Google Earth Satellite Images, 20 Amazing Hotels You Should Visit Before You Die, Travel Safe in 2021: Post Pandemic Precautions For Travelers, Explore the Land Down Under: 5 Breathtaking Australian Road Trips, 18 Fun Things To Celebrate During The Month Of May, HOW DO YOU DECIDE WHO TO MARRY? It maps the Earth by the superimposition of images obtained from satellite imagery, aerial photography and geographic information system (GIS) 3D globe. A Swastika-Shaped Building 32 40’34.19″N 117 9’27.58″W Coronado, California, USA Google Earth Dayton, Oregon, USA, Grand Prismatic Spring The new findings on Google Earth reveal mysterious structures and patterns etched in the beginning of the Gobi desert in China. Schansdijk 5, 4655 De Heen, The Netherlands, Airplane Boneyard Almost since its inception way back in June of 2001, the tool has given internet denizens across the globe a chance to peek into just about any other area of the globe, all from the comfort of our offices or living rooms. Columbia Station, Ohio, USA, Lion King It was created by the D.A.ST. Rio Negro, Argentina, Coca Cola Logo Coordinates: 50 0’36.30?N, 110 6’46.82?W. Nevada, USA, Guitar-Shaped Forest a mysterious Alien structure (and possible Alien space craft) has been found on Google Earth in Egypt, near to … Google Maps Mystery Actually Spy Satellite Targets, Expert Says. As Weeden pointed out, the image is deceptive because it doesn't give a good sense of scale. The grids of zigzagging white lines seen in two of the images — the strangest of the various desert structures — are spy satellite calibration targets. 32 08’59.96″ N, 110 50’09.03″W The story cited the analysis of Jonathon Hill, a research technician at the Mars Space Flight Facility at Arizona State University, who told a website called Life's Little Mysteries that the strange lines were probably painted onto the land surface and used to calibrate China's spy satellites. -25.344375, 131.034401 45° 7’25.87″N 123° 6’48.97″W You’ve no doubt already come across some interesting finds on Google Earth. -18.529211, -70.249941 Here are 10 mysterious sites spotted via Google Earth. Red Sea Governorate, Egypt. Mysterious Desert Pattern 27°22’50.10″N, 33°37’54.62″E Red Sea Governorate, Egypt 3. Arteam, a group made up of three Greek artists - Danae Stratou, sculptor, Alexandra Stratou, industrial designer, and Stella Constantinides, architect. Strange Symbol I think it's safe to say these are some kind of paint," Hill said. Fun fact for you day: Google Earth – once known as EarthViewer 3D — was created by KeyHole Inc, which was funded by the CIA in 2004 to create “groundbreaking” rich-mapping. From natural formations to human structures, the world is a different place when viewed from above. 50° 0’38.20″N 110° 6’48.32″W Here’s a compilation of 50 weird things on Google Earth and some really cool Google Earth secrets you’ve probably never seen before. Theme: Newsup by Themeansar. -33.836379, 151.080506 27°22’50.10″N, 33°37’54.62″E Bringing you the Latest News, Entertainment and More, Mysterious Desert Pattern Tucson, Arizona. Nagoro, Japan. Can anyone explain what is this?! The patterns exist near China’s border with Mongolia, between Xinjiang and the Gansu province, and not terribly far from Dunhuang, the “City Of Sands.”. Others say it was just a prank, and someone thought it would be a great idea to place the ‘dysfunctional’ artifact in the middle of the desert, so people like us would write about and … The mysterious desert pattern target symbol, typically associated with the shooting, is not defined by any other geographic information, including its purpose. The grid is 0.65 miles (1.04 kilometres) wide by 1.15 miles (1.85 kilometres) long. 37.629562, -116.849556 Nevada, USA, Big Friendly Giant What makes it … Dunstable LU6 2LD, UK, Shipwrecked SS Ayrfield with Trees New Google Maps images have revealed what appear to be strange patterns in the Gobi Desert. Google Earth 3. But those weird lines are huge. 37.563936, -116.85123 Ah, so it wasn't the remnants of an alien civilisation after all. That's what Fox News implied when it ran this headline on its website Thursday last week in the US: " Google Maps Mystery Actually Spy Satellite Targets, Expert Says. And that one with the weird lines? A mysterious spiral seen from space had some Google Earth users wondering where it came from. "It seems plausible that at least some of them would be targets - especially the one that looks like a big bull's eye," he said. 19°56’56.96″S 69°38’1.83″W We’re sorry, this service is currently unavailable. This weird and wonderful sighting raises questions as … Parking Lot for Fighter Jets. El Segundo, California, USA. If you’re interested in seeing any of the places yourself, I’ve included the coordinates for every image shown below. Jun 10, 2015 - Fifty of the most fascinating sites found on Google Earth, including the exact coordinates for every location so … This Mysterious Desert Pattern Red Sea Governorate Amazed to see this fascinating pattern? He noted that if the lines were made of white dust or chalk, the wind would have caused them to streak visibly. The Badlands Guardian was one of those mysterious places that was first discovered by Lynn Hickox utilizing the Google Earth program. Winslow, Arizona, Firefox Logo Nevada, USA, Giant Triangle The work, completed on … Mysterious Desert Pattern — Red Sea Governorate, Egypt. Mysterious Google Earth desert pattern theories evolve. Our last example of mysterious places found on Google Earth is also located in the Atacama desert of Chile. Google Earth Coordinates Google Earth Images Earth Google Earth Photos 3d Modelle Alien Art Mysterious Places Crop Circles Environmental Art More information ... People also love these ideas 37.401573, -116.867808 Weird sightings on Google Earth are nothing new. November 15, 2011. Proudly powered by WordPress ". Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, USA, Mysterious Pattern The bizarre grey structure is the latest strange finding in Antarctica. Please try again later. Another theory says that it was part of a weird ritual and that people would gather around it worshiping mysterious entities. 33.927911, -118.38069. This is a small village located in Shikoku, Japan. Mysterious China Symbols 40.4521, 93.74211 Circling back to China, there are two strange symbols etched into the mountain in the Gobi Desert. The Atacama… I have no idea what that could be," he said. Sudan, The Badlands Guardian 12°22’13.32″N, 23°19’20.18″E 1. 33.747252, -112.633853 Last week, a sheep-counting expedition found a mysterious monolith deep in the Utah desert, and they warned the world to stay away. For an opinion on this theory, LA Times called Brian Weeden, who works on space policy and security issues for the nonprofit Secure World Foundation. 33.927911, -118.38069. Wittmann, Arizona, USA, Big Red Lips in the Desert Google Earth is a virtual globe, map and geographical information program. Image: Google Maps. Mysterious Desert Pattern 27 22’50.10″N, 33 37’54.62″E Red Sea Governorate, Egypt Google Earth 4. "But some of them look pretty crazy.". According to Weeden, the Chinese satellite target theory explains some, but not all, of the werid images. Homebush Bay, Sydney, Australia, Star Fort Parking Lot for Fighter Jets. Google Earth gives people the power to search remote areas of … The post below attempts to compile the most fascinating sites other have stumbled upon browsing Google Earth. "That one with all the lines is really weird. Huara, Tarapacá, Chile, Giant Target 20°56’15.47″S, 164°39’30.56″E Walsh, Alberta, Canada, Oil Fields 33.927911, -118.38069. El Segundo, California, USA. According to experts, this place is a secret military base, and the existing buildings used for various purposes eg weapons testing, calibration of spy satellites, and the testing of radar … -33.867886, -63.987 New Caledonia, Uluru / Ayers Rock Northern Territory, Austrlia, Heart-Shaped Lake In another instance, Google Earth caught fishermen illegally bottom-trawling (28.102512,-14.265835) beaches near Spain’s Canary Islands. Arica, Arica y Parinacota, Chile, Barringer Meteor Crater 51.848637, -0.55462 "They have gaps in them where they cross little natural drainage channels and the lines themselves are not perfectly filled in, with lots of little streaks and uneven coverage.
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