What does open Pandora's box expression mean? I suppose one difference is that in the original myth, the consequenses of opening the box were not forseen, whereas if you describe someone as opening a hornets nest you tend to imply foolishness or short-sightedness or recklessness. A mythological idiom in use since the late 1500's. To open Pandora's box is to let things get out of Meaning of Pandora's Box Opening Pandora's box is the same as opening a can of worms. According to Greek legend, the first woman, Pandora, was actually sent as a curse to Zues' men (See, you knew it was true, guys) and was given a present upon her marriage. The key … Pandora's box definition, a source of extensive but unforeseen troubles or problems: The senate investigation turned out to be a Pandora's box for the administration. open Pandora's box phrase. From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English open a Pandora’s box open a Pandora’s box PROBLEM to do or start something that will cause a lot of other problems The report could open up a Pandora’s box of claims from similar cases. To open a hornets nest or stir up a hornets nest comes close to the sense of Pandora's box. The present was a box that she was told never to open. It refers to a process which, once began, results in many unforeseen problems which were previously covered up. Antonyms for Pandora's box. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. Find 44 ways to say PANDORA BOX, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. They may have also opened a Pandora's box of complications involving a child's claim on a sperm donor's data and wealth. (The idiom “to open a Pandora’s box”, means to do or start something that will cause many unforeseen problems.) From Pandora, a character in ancient Greek stories who was given a box as a wedding gift but ordered not to open it. Needless to say her curiosity got the better of her (like eating forbidden fruit) and she unleashed eight demons unto the world. (Most scholars translate the Greek word elpis as “expectation.”) The Pandora myth is a theodicy—an attempt to explain why evil exists in the world. It derives from a Greek myth in which the woman Pandora, driven by curiosity, opens a jar (or a box) containing various human evils, unintentionally loosing them on the world. : But the exercise unleashed a Pandora's box of problems with issues raised over the handling of contracts and renovation funds. When she opened the box, all the troubles came into the world leaving only Hope inside. Definition of open Pandora's box in the Idioms Dictionary. The expression to open a Pandora’s box has long been used to describe an act that may have unforeseen and unpleasant consequences. What are synonyms for Pandora's box? : And in doing so, he opened a Pandora's box of history, emotion, frustration, uncertainty and fear that left none of us unscathed. Synonyms for Pandora's box in Free Thesaurus. See more. 1 word related to Pandora's box: Greek mythology. Definition and synonyms of Pandora’s box from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education. open Pandora's box definition in the English Cobuild dictionary for learners, open Pandora's box meaning explained, see also 'open out',in the open',open day',open air', English vocabulary Open Pandora's box definition: If someone or something opens Pandora's box or opens a Pandora's box , they do something... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples
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