However, the Fifth Doctor is annoyed, thinking that his counterpart is a “fan” who has somehow broken into the TARDIS. Martin Conaghan of TV Squad expressed the belief that the episode was "the highlight of the evening". The story also gets the chance to pay homage to Peter Davison and what he did as the character all those years ago, this story leaves everyone smiling and feeling nostalgic but it also leaves the question 'Will the doctor meet any of his selves again?' He mainly complimented Moffat for his writing; he said that Moffat "has a knack for clever paradox-style stories, and managed to capture a fantastic little snippet of emotion, harking back to the early days of Doctor Who," specifically praising the farewell scene. Still, Time Crash is the point where it becomes impossible to miss the way that Davies is linking the revived series back to the classic science-fiction show. The Tenth Doctor counters it with a supernova, a solution he remembers seeing himself perform in this same incident (a predestination paradox), making the Fifth Doctor realise the Tenth Doctor really is his future self. Add the first question. [5], The Children in Need telethon was the most-watched television programme of the night, with a final rating of 9.6 million viewers, and figures peaked between 8:15pm and 8:30pm, when "Time Crash" was aired, with a total of 11.0 million viewers. Doctor Who series 2, episode 5 (Story 16). Enquanto o atual Doctor aprecia aspectos do Quinto, o Quinto Doctor se torna cada vez mais preocupado que as TARDISes combinadas ameacem rasgar um buraco no espaço e no tempo do tamanho da Bélgica! Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends. Was this review helpful to you? (There is a cutaway at the end of the preceding regular episode, "Last of the Time Lords" which allows for "Time Crash" to occur between that episode and "Voyage of the Damned".) Series Overview; 1 Partners In Crime. A weapon of unknown origin destroys a small corner of Mayfair, and simultaneously opens a rift in space and time. The IMDb staff came together to round up their favorite crime movies, shows, and documentaries. "Time Crash" was praised by critics who reviewed the episode, and was a ratings success; it was the most-viewed show of the night, and briefly the most-viewed episode of Doctor Who since 2005, with 11 million viewers.[2]. That's my fault, actually. Directed by Graeme Harper. For decades, UNIT have fought undetected to protect the people of Earth from the dangers it poses. (16 Nov 2007). Time Crash was a special Doctor Who "mini-episode" produced for the 2007 Children in Need appeal. Initially, he considered putting oblique references to the show in his music but, aware of wizard rock bands like Harry and the Potters, decided to follow their model and create music dedicated to Doctor Who. [3][4] To replicate the Fifth Doctor's attire, the production team borrowed items from the Doctor Who exhibition in Blackpool and knitted a new cricket jumper to reflect the style worn from Castrovalva (1982) to Warriors of the Deep (1984). "Time Crash" is a mini-episode of the British science fiction television series Doctor Who. (Martha leaves. There are briefly two Doctors.) Graeme Harper, director of Davison's final serial The Caves of Androzani (1984), directed the episode. 62 mins Available for 7 months Change location : London London Change language : English English Starring: Sylvester McCoy (the seventh Doctor) and Bonnie Langford (Mel).In a nutshell: Some interesting ideas are ruined by dire performances and awful production values.Highlight: Paradise Towers is heavily influenced by JG Ballard's novel High Rise (recently made into a film starring Tom Hiddleston) so at least it tries to be interesting. The Tenth Doctor meets one of his previous incarnations. You’ll play cards representing plans, threats, tech, and quips to stacks that represent the time of the struggle, the Doctor’s companion, and the enemy’s influence. [1], Moffat's script started by repeating Martha's departure. Time Crash Original Airdate: 17 Nov, 2007 [Tardis] MARTHA: I'll see you again, Mister. 5:04 - 5:07 Yeah, right on time. Gardner asked Steven Moffat to write the special, with the stipulations the scene could be shot in one day and one set, and require no CGI effects. The Doctors discover that the same TARDIS at different points in time have collided because the Tenth Doctor left his shields down. It is 7-minutes of sci-fi that should be complex and unbelievable with Black Holes, time streams converging, and a whole lot of Doctor Who happening for a Children in Need special. Da… Sure, he’ll be sticking around for a string of specials at the end of the season, but this is his last full season of Doctor Who. The last thing he needed was the return of his old friend, the Doctor. You’ll play cards representing plans, threats, tech, and quips to stacks that represent the time of the struggle, the Doctor’s companion, and the enemy’s influence. Previous Doctor Who charity specials transmitted over the years include Dimensions in Time, Doctor Who and the Curse of Fatal Death and the untitled 2005 special. Craig Owens is having enough trouble trying to care for his child. [8], The episode was positively reviewed by critics. Written by Steven Moffat, it starred David Tennant and brought back Peter Davison as the Doctor. In Doctor Who Time Clash, the Doctor and the Daleks wage a desperate struggle for the fate of the universe itself! Depois de dizer adeus a Martha Jones no fim de Last of the Time Lords, o Décimo Doctor acidentalmente pilota sua TARDIS para o caminho da... TARDIS do Quinto Doctor! Title: As his former self figures out who he is the Tenth rambles on about how much he loved being that incarnation. 5 The Poison Sky. The anniversary special The Five Doctors was broadcast on Children in Need night for its United Kingdom premiere broadcast. In Doctor Who: Time Clash, the Doctor and the Daleks are locked in a desperate struggle for the fate of the universe itself. Get a sneak peek of the new version of this page. There's no real story other than the fifth Doctor (Peter Davison) ends up meeting the tenth Doctor (David Tennant) in the TARDIS just after he leaves Martha (Freema Agyemen) on Earth at the end of season 3 of the new series. You must be a registered user to use the IMDb rating plugin. [1], The episode, set during the last scene of the previous episode "Last of the Time Lords", depicts a humorous encounter between the Doctor's fifth and tenth incarnations, played by Davison and Tennant respectively. That also means, that because it was a one-off special for charity fundraising and licenses were being wavered for a good cause, “Time Crash” isn’t online for Americans (and I assume others). Want to share IMDb's rating on your own site? A real treat for the fans, Time Crash, brief though it is, manages to elicit both laughs and tears from the reviewer, and I think works as well for new and classic fans alike. Checking out the systems, the Doctor suddenly collides with his fifth incarnation, who is doing the same thing. After Martha Jones leaves the Tardis, the Tenth Doctor encounters his former self. That's my cue. [10], This article is about the mini-episode. This short adventure featuring two doctors was absolutely amazing, it had such an epic feel and I felt I had died and gone to heaven. A line about the effects of the paradox the TARDIS collision had caused gave an explanation of why the Fifth Doctor looked far older than normal, thus getting around the fact that Peter Davison had left the role over twenty years before. As his former self figures out who he is the Tenth rambles on about how much he loved being that incarnation. Written by It was written by Steven Moffat, directed by Graeme Harper and featured David Tennant as the Tenth Doctor and Peter Davison as the Fifth Doctor.. When the new series started I began getting DVD's of the classic series and Peter Davison's stories such as Earthshock and The Caves Of Androzani were great and proved how good a doctor he was. Check out this bone structure, Doctor, cos one day, you're gonna be shaving it. Favorite Time Hopping Science Fiction Series, Favorite Character-Titled TV Series 1990-2015. The Tenth Doctor recognises his past self and is delighted to see him, gently poking fun at his particular eccentricities. 2 The Fires Of Pompeii. What's your problem? View production, box office, & company info. DW 02-05: Rise of the Cybermen (Part 1 of 2) A Guide to Classic Who references (and other references) in New Who episodes. Prev Next BBC One. The Tenth Doctor meets one of his previous incarnations. Doctor Who: Time Crash Monday, 2 February 2015.
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