Effective April 1, 2018, Texas Medicaid MCOs will implement a new NCQA certified Centralized Credentialing Verification Organization (CVO) that will be responsible for performing Primary Source Verification (PSV) for all newly credentialing and re-credentialing Medicaid providers currently enrolled or seeking to participate in Texas Medicaid. Medicaid Office Location; Texas Health and Human Services Commission 4900 North Lamar Boulevard 4th Floor Austin, TX 78701; Medicaid Office Phone Number; The phone number to call the Texas Medicaid office is 877-541-7905 or in state call 512-424-6500. I verify that I’ve read this entire lesson. The Texas Medicaid/CHIP Vendor Drug Program homepage has links to search the Texas … Keep your KHC Client ID ready when calling. Note: Providers must include a check, money order, or cashier’s check with their Texas Medicaid provider enrollment packet submission for the application fee. 1-800-252-8263 (TDD 1-800-735-2989) Texas Health Steps (THSteps) and Case Management for Children and Pregnant Women Providers who enroll as Texas Medicaid and other state health-care programs providers can continue to see existing patients during those times of change. Medicaid Hotline For information about Medicaid services, pharmacy issues, Medicaid rights, and Medicaid complaints and fair hearings. Provider Resources Prior Authorization Requests Claims Information Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) Texas HHSC Notices Cash cannot be accepted. Members should call Member Services with any questions. Provider Customer Service: HEALTHfirst – 1-888-672-2277 KIDSfirst – 1-888-814-2352 Call Monday through Friday 8 am to 5 pm CST. For questions regarding claims, call 800-222-3986. The Center for Medicaid and CHIP Services (CMCS) is committed to working in close partnership with states, as well as providers, families, and other stakeholders to support effective, innovative, and high quality health coverage programs. Please Note: Issuance of an NPI does not ensure or validate that the Health Care Provider is Licensed or Credentialed. Provider Network Management Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas Arboretum Plaza II 9442 Capital of Texas Hwy N, Suite 500 Austin, TX 78759 Phone: 1-855-212-1615 Fax: 1-512-349-4860 Additional information on provider enrollment and responsibilities is available in Section 1 of the 2011 Texas Medicaid Provider Procedures Manual. Make the check payable in the amount of $599.00 to Texas Medicaid & Healthcare Partnership (TMHP). Texas Relay: 1-800-735-2988 TTY: 711. Provider Network Office: Austin. Include the Portal Ticket Number on the check and print the The Texas Health Steps application form, which is available from TMHP, includes all prerequisites for Texas Health Steps providers. The MCO verifies the rendering provider is enrolled with Texas Medicaid Health Care Partnership (TMHP) and the location is included in the Combined Master Provider File (CMPF); The MCO confirms appointment is an allowable Medicaid service; The MCO completes and submits the Form 4214 to the assigned MTO/FRB; and For more information please refer to NPI: What You Need to Know The NPI Registry Public Search is a free directory of all active National Provider Identifier (NPI) records. Provider Services. Language Interpreters: STAR/CHIP: 1-800-657-6061 STAR Kids: 1-877-688-1811. Providers may also render service to families with mixed coverage (e.g., children enrolled with Texas Medicaid while their parents are covered by their employer's insurance plan). Providers can call Provider Services at 1-800-454-3730, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Central time with questions about eligibility, benefits, claims, or any other issue. For KHC drug claims, the BIN is 610084, the PCN is DRTXPRODKH and the Group is KHC. Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) provide Medicaid & CHIP | Texas Health and Human Services For information about COVID-19, call 2-1-1 and select Option 6.
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