Biografi. But documents in the National Archives show that the reality was quite different, writes former BBC Court correspondent Paul Reynolds. À tout juste 13 ans, Margaret, la sœur dElizabeth, a le coup de foudre pour Peter Townsend, un fringant capitaine. “It shows that the love, conceivably, was not as strong as it was to begin with. The letter said: “I am writing to tell you, as far as I can of any personal plans during the next few months ... During the last of August and all September I shall be here at Balmoral, and I have no doubt that during this time – especially on my birthday on August 21st – the press will encourage every sort of speculation about the possibility of my marrying Group Captain Peter Townsend. Townsend was despatched to be an air attache in Brussels, living on his own in a hotel room. Princess Margaret Rose Windsor (1930–2002), Countess of Snowdon and the younger sister of Queen Elizabeth II, was arguably one of the most popular royals in modern history. Group Captain Peter Wooldridge Townsend CVO, DSO, DFC* (22 November 1914 – 19 June 1995) was a Burmese-born British Royal Air Force officer, flying ace, courtier and author. Wählen Sie aus erstklassigen Inhalten zum Thema Princess Margaret Peter Townsend in höchster Qualität. She says she will see Townsend in October: "It is only by seeing him in this way that I feel I can properly decide whether I can marry him or not." Although they were the picture of happiness on their wedding day, Princess Margaret and the Earl of Snowdon divorced in 1978. Instead Margaret and Townsend were told to wait for two years until she was 25 and more able, under the Act, to choose for herself. Princess Margaret: When did Princess Margaret get married? Buckingham Palace on Tuesday announced the death of Townsend, an equerry to Margaret's father, King George VI, and later to her sister, Queen Elizabeth II, and said the princess ``was sad to learn of this news.'' and give up my rights to the Succession…" This formulation is not as romantic as an earlier one which read: "I have come to the conclusion that it is necessary for my future happiness that I should marry P.T.". In un documentario della BBC dal titolo Princess Margaret: The Rebel Royal la storia d'amore tra la principessa Margaret e Peter Townsend è stata raccontata di nuovo da un punto di vista inedito. und Königin Elisabeth. The romance began … The Queen had to give permission for Princess Margaret to marry, as outlined by the Royal Marriages Act of 1772. © 2021 BBC. The government was now under Anthony Eden who had been divorced and remarried himself. ★★★★☆, The mind-blowing wealth of the richest person to ever live, Why IS involvement in Mozambique is exaggerated, 'I cried because it wasn’t me' Video'I cried because it wasn’t me', Canada sounds the alarm as Covid cases overtake US1, Peaky Blinders actress Helen McCrory dies aged 522, Raúl Castro steps down as Cuban communist leader3, Student's heart failure linked to energy drinks4, Biden backtracks on keeping Trump cap on refugees5, Indianapolis FedEx gunman was former employee6, Six features of the duke's funeral explained7, How Russia's Sputnik vaccine is dividing Europe8, Chicago releases video of police shooting boy, 139, Nasa chooses SpaceX to build Moon lander10. Peter Townsend, the dashing World War II fighter pilot who loved and lost Princess Margaret, has died after more than 30 years of self-imposed exile. Une réserve toute britannique, qui s'explique d'autant mieux que Margaret n'a encore que 13 ans. (Princess Margaret ceased to be among the six nearest in line with the birth of Zara Phillips, the Queen's second grandchild, in 1981.). ... 99 Glimpses Of Princess Margaret), dass die Romanze zwischen den beiden schon viel früher angefangen hat als bisher vermutet. Margaret invited Peter Townsend to lunch with her — and others — at Kensington Palace in … Townsend was still frowned on by some in the establishment and the removal by officials of the reference to Margaret's happiness and the use of his initials only may reflect this. Biden backtracks on keeping Trump cap on refugees. Princess Margaret: Unearthed letter reveals Peter Townsend split not all as it seemed PRINCESS MARGARET and Peter Townsend are often portrayed as star-crossed lovers in … He was equerry to King George VI from 1944 to 1952 and held the same position for Queen Elizabeth II from 1952 to 1953. “The perception was that she gave up the love of her life for duty and protocol, but this letter sets a question mark over that. Princess Margaret first met Peter Townsend when she was only 14-years-old. And yet the image remains in the public imagination of a cornered monarch, a hostile government and a young woman forced to give up her war hero. The Queen's permission would therefore be unnecessary. Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon, CI, GCVO, CD (Margaret Rose; 21 August 1930 – 9 February 2002) was the younger daughter of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth, and the only sibling of Queen Elizabeth II.. She spent much of her childhood with her parents and sister. Group Captain Peter Wooldridge Townsend was a Royal Air Force officer, and was equerry to Princess Margaret's father, King George VI, until the King's death in 1952. The lavish production of The Crown, the drama of the Queen's reign running on Netflix, perpetuates the myth that Princess Margaret was browbeaten into giving up Group Captain Peter Townsend, the war hero who proposed to her in 1953. Townsend notably had a romance with Princess Margaret, the Queen's only sibling. Princess Margaret died in 2002 at the age of 71. När de trumpetade ut sin förlovning accepterade Margaret vännen Antony Armstrong-Jones frieri. ", Kilmuir added: "I think that at least 75% of the electorate would be in favour of the marriage being somehow allowed.". Our Privacy Notice explains more about how we use your data, and your rights. One mystery is why the princess herself, only three days after the final draft of the proposal was produced, announced on 31 October 1955 that she would not be marrying Townsend after all. This letter indicates perhaps that her determination to marry him was not quite as strong as has been believed. Peter Townsend. Finden Sie perfekte Stock-Fotos zum Thema Princess Margaret Peter Townsend sowie redaktionelle Newsbilder von Getty Images. De gifte sig och han blev Lord Snowdon. He wrote: "This Act has no pride of ancestry, is badly drawn and uncertain and embarrassing in its effect. After World War II, in 1952, Margaret fell in love with Group Captain Peter Townsend—a Royal Air Force officer 16 years her senior—but the Church of England refused to support her marriage to a divorced man. Prior to her marriage, Princess Margaret had been involved with Group Captain Peter Townsend, a divorcee who was seen by many as an unsuitable match for the young princess and Queen's sister. Mais si cette beauté brune au teint de pêche et aux yeux de porcelaine tombe éperdument amoureuse de son aviateur, ce dernier, bien que sous le charme, préfère pour l'heure s'en tenir à une simple amitié. Omdat Townsend gescheiden was, kreeg Margaret geen toestemming om met hem te trouwen. The Crown shows Prime Minister Sir Anthony Eden stressing the cabinet's opposition to the marriage and threatening the princess with exile for five years if she goes ahead. The princess would have said: "I have come to the conclusion that in all the circumstances the best course for me to follow is to marry P.T. A prime example of this is the burgeoning relationship between the Queen’s younger sister, Princess Margaret (portrayed by Vanessa Kirby), and Peter Townsend (Ben Miles). Group Captain Townsend went on to marry Marie-Luce Jamagne in 1959. They grew to love each other but it was a relationship which was doomed by royal protocol Brokenhearted Princess Margaret Canceled Her Wedding to Captain Peter Townsend 65 Years Ago Today this link is to an external site that may or may not meet accessibility guidelines. Margaret blev ikke gift med sin store kærlighed, Peter Townsend (1915-1995), fordi han var skilt. By Kenzie Bryan t. … You can unsubscribe at any time. Their romance may have started earlier than was previously thought. The Queen maintained her refusal to give permission. After the two years was up, there was still a problem. The Royal Family were not in favour of the marriage, but unearthed evidence suggests Margaret had a key role in the developments surrounding her love life at this time. The Crown's Helena Bonham Carter admits ‘sadness’ over exit, Queen Mother’s ‘ruthlessness’ towards Queen's beloved nanny unveiled. November 1914 in Rangun, Britisch-Indien/Burma; 19. However, the Queen was required to give permission for the marriage under the Royal Marriages Act of 1772 and, under pressure from the government of Winston Churchill and the Church of England which opposed divorce, she refused. Perhaps in part due to the fictionalised account of their relationship in the Netflix hit series, The Crown, interest in Margaret and Peter's relationship has risen in recent years. However, she would have to renounce her rights of succession and those of her children. LONDON (AP) _ Group Capt. “It’s likely she didn’t want anyone other than Eden to know she’d had doubts, because it had gone so far.”. Neue Enthüllungen über Prinzessin Margaret. Sometimes they'll include recommendations for other related newsletters or services we offer. Princess Margaret and Peter Townsend, a former Battle of Britain pilot, fell in love when he was an equerry first to George VI and then to Elizabeth II. The Queen would then consult her government and the Commonwealth governments, who had, the papers show, actually been squared by Eden beforehand. Postscript: On 6 May 1960 Princess Margaret married the photographer Antony Armstrong-Jones, who was created Lord Snowdon and Viscount Linley. Popularität erlangte er außerdem durch die nicht zustande gekommene Hochzeit mit Prinzessin Margaret. As a member of the Royal Family, Margaret was not completely free to marry whoever she wanted. The Queen tells her sister chillingly that if she marries Townsend she will no longer be a member of the family. However, at the time of Princess Margaret and Peter Townsend’s relationship, the Church of England opposed divorce. År 1953 förälskade sig Margaret i överstelöjtnanten Peter Townsend.Deras kärleksförhållande orsakade stor skandal – Townsend var nämligen frånskild [7] – och även en regeringskris. While Princess Margaret is often portrayed as helpless to the situation, the Telegraph reported in 2009 how an unearthed letter dated from 1955 showed the Princess was determined not to allow the decision to be made for her. Princess Margaret and Peter Townsend, a former Battle of Britain pilot, fell in love when he was an equerry first to George VI and then to Elizabeth II. Ministrar hotade att avgå, och länderna i Brittiska samväldet vägrade acceptera giftermålsplanerna. The Queen agreed. A refugee organisation says the White House's explanation of the order is "completely false". The princess, having reached the age of 25, could have asked Parliament to override this refusal but that would have caused a sensation. A clue may come in a letter in the files, from the princess herself to Eden in August 1955. order back issues and use the historic Daily Express India Kumbh festival goes ahead amid Covid surge, Does Nomadland live up to its Oscar-tipped hype? Mr Warwick added: “This letter rewrites history, because here you’ve got a very determined and confident young woman in control of the situation, telling the Prime Minister that she has not decided and is wavering, which is at odds with what the public was led to believe and certainly with what she told me. She could live in this country and even continue with public duties if the public approved, as was highly likely. Dazzle Jennings The Crown: Was Dazzle Jennings a real person? Far from opposing her sister's marriage, the Queen's attitude was summed up by Eden in a letter to Commonwealth prime ministers: "Her Majesty would not wish to stand in the way of her sister's happiness.".
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